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    Vistas panorámicas de Míconos

    Míconos, Grecia

    Duración 3 hs.

    La isla de Míconos es conocida en todo el mundo por su impresionante belleza natural repleta de molinos de viento, bahías llamativas, playas bellísimas y las casas blancas e iglesias con sus coloridas cúpulas azules y rojas. Pasarás por la playa de Ornos, una de las playas más cosmopolitas de la isla, con gran cantidad de hoteles lujosos, tabernas y yates que atracan en alta mar.

    Realizarás una breve parada para tomar fotos en la playa de Kalafatis para que puedas conocer una de las playas más hermosas de la isla y disfrutar de una vista imponente. Al acercarte al centro de la isla, visitarás la aldea de Ano Mera y el Monasterio Panayia Tourliani. Además, tendrás la oportunidad de probar ouzo y aperitivos griegos en una pequeña y apacible plaza de la aldea.

    Lo que debes saber:

    Nota: el tour incluye una caminata de aproximadamente 1/2 milla por terreno llano. Debido a que durante los meses de verano las temperaturas pueden ser extremadamente altas, recomendamos que bebas mucha agua, uses protección solar y utilices prendas que puedas quitarte.
    • Adultos desde: $99.00 USD
    • Niños desde: $59.00 USD
    DURACIÓN 3 horas
    • Refrigerio
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    Delos: lugar de nacimiento de Artemisa y Apolo

    Míconos, Grecia

    Duración 4 hs.

    No muy lejos de Mikonos se encuentra la isla de Delos, el mítico lugar de nacimientos de la Diosa Artemisa y el Dios Apolo, Patrimonio de la Humanidad de la UNESCO. Al igual que Delfos, Delos fue un santuario muy importante dedicado a Apolo, el dios del Olimpo de la profecía, la música, las curaciones y más. El santuario de Apolo atrajo a peregrinos de toda Grecia, lo que creó uno de los lugares sagrados más ricos y venerados de la antigüedad.

    Aquí verás rastros de la civilizaciones egeas, desde el 3° milenio A.C. hasta la era paleocristiana. El sitio arqueológico es excepcionalmente extenso y rico, y recuerda a un gran puerto cosmopolita del Mediterráneo. El paisaje de la isla incluye solo las ruinas excavadas sistemáticamente desde 1872 y un museo.

    After reaching the island by ferry boat, you'll discover among the ruins, one of the island's most spectacular relics, the Avenue of the Lions, where perfect replicas of the 7th century Naxian marble beasts crouch in silent vigilance at the sacred lake where Leto gave birth to her twins. Más allá, un camino conduce al Monte Kynthos, donde Zeus observó el evento.

    Lo que debes saber:

    Nota: El tour implica caminar aproximadamente 1/2 milla sobre superficies irregulares de grava. No recomendado para huéspedes en sillas de ruedas. Delos se visita a pie durante dos horas de caminata sobre un terreno irregular. Los escalones pueden ser resbalosos. Debido a que durante los meses de verano las temperaturas pueden ser extremadamente altas, recomendamos que bebas mucha agua, uses protección solar y utilices prendas que puedas quitarte. El viaje en bote entre Mikonos y Delos puede ser agitado, según las condiciones del mar.
    • Adultos desde: $129.00 USD
    • Niños desde: $79.00 USD
    DURACIÓN 4 horas
    Idiomas disponibles:
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    Mykonos Beach Transfer

    Míconos, Grecia

    Duración 4 hs.

    Mykonos is world famous for its beautiful golden sandy beaches and transparent waters. Along the south coastline of Mykonos lie some of the island's most beautiful beaches. The beach is a short drive from your ship. Here you can enjoy the clear waters of the Aegean Sea along with a sandy beach and the sun. You'll find everything you need for a relaxing or an exciting time on the beach. Sun beds and umbrellas are available for rent on a first-come, first-served basis.

    Lo que debes saber:

    Note: Please remember to wear your swimsuit and take a towel and sunscreen. There is a beach taverna nearby for refreshments or a light snack at your own expense. Swimming is at the guest's own risk as there is no life guard on duty. Please note that this is not a shuttle service. If you should miss the scheduled departure from the beach, it will be your responsibility at your own expense to return to your ship. Additional activities are available at the beach for an extra cost paid directly to local concessionaires and are not part of the tour package. The drive to/from the pier is approximately 15 minutes each way, dependent upon traffic conditions. Guests who go ashore do so with the understanding that they will be mixing with members of the general public.
    • Adultos desde: $50.00 USD
    • Niños desde: $50.00 USD
    DURACIÓN 4 horas
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    Delos In 3D

    Míconos, Grecia

    Duración 4 hs.

    Cruise to the sacred island of Delos and view a wealth of ruins using an electronic tablet with augmented-reality software that shows the structures as they appeared in ancient times.

    After departing from the pier, you will soon arrive at a boat launch and begin a picturesque cruise to the nearby island of Delos. According to Greek mythology, Apollo and his twin sister Artemis were born on Delos, which was first settled in the third millennium B.C. Archaeological discoveries excavated here have been deemed so indicative of an ancient cosmopolitan port that the entire island is now a UNESCO World Heritage site.

    All of the structures on Delos are excavated ruins, except for the museum and a few buildings for personnel. The landscape remains largely unaltered since ancient times because a town was never built over the original port, a rarity few other archaeological sites share.

    As you meander through the rather barren island, you will behold ruins that include temples, statues, mosaic floors and roads such as the Sacred Way, which leads to the Sanctuary of Apollo. Another highlight is the Terrace of Lions, named for the Naxian marble lions that guard it. The originals are in the island's museum to protect them from the elements.

    To enhance your understanding and enjoyment of the ruins, you will be provided with an electronic tablet with 3D augmented-reality software. Just point the tablet's camera at a ruin, and you can view the structure as it originally stood centuries ago.

    Lo que debes saber:

    Note: This tour involves approximately 2 hours of e walking over uneven and in part uphill surfaces and approximately 10 steps at Delos. There is limited shade at the site. It is not available to wheelchair guests and those guests with mobility concerns are cautioned to evaluate their personal level of ability and stamina. Comfortable, flat walking shoes, light clothing and a hat are recommended. Guests who go ashore do so with the understanding that they will be mixing with members of the general public.
    • Adultos desde: $165.00 USD
    • Niños desde: $115.00 USD
    DURACIÓN 4 horas
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    Mykonos On Foot

    Míconos, Grecia

    Duración 2 1/2 hs.

    Arguably the best known of all the Greek islands, Mykonos is renowned today for its nightlife, lively beaches, charming narrow streets, white houses and churches. Both the lifestyle and history of the island are showcased during this walking tour. You'll visit the Aegean Maritime Museum, which goal is the preservation, promotion and study of the Greek maritime history and tradition, and in particular the evolution and activities of the merchant ship, chiefly in the historic region of the Aegean Sea. In the museum's garden lie reproductions of ancient marble gravestones from the islands of Mykonos and Delos, dealing with shipwrecks and sailors who were lost at sea.

    Continue your walk with an exploration of the Mykonos that tourists seldom see, and discover her mysteries amid narrow winding streets lined with whitewashed houses, signature blue trim and walled gardens. Discover the town's deliberately confusing layout, designed to fool attacking pirates. The nearby windmills, an island trademark, once ground wheat that was used to bake bread. Now they stand as symbols of the island and afford a wonderful photo opportunity. Finally, do as the Mykonians and enjoy a refreshment of ouzo with some traditional mezedes before returning to your ship.

    Lo que debes saber:

    Note: This tour includes approximately 2 ½ hours of moderate walking, plus any additional walking at the guest’s discretion during free time. There will be uneven surfaces to negotiate. The tour is not recommended for guests who utilize a wheelchair or guests with mobility concerns. The Archaeological Museum is closed on Mondays. A visit to the Maritime museum will be made when the Archaeological Museum is unavailable. As both museums will be renovated through end of July 2023, a visit to the Folklore Museum will be made in their place.
    • Adultos desde: $89.00 USD
    • Niños desde: $69.00 USD
    DURACIÓN 2 1/2 hs.
    • Refrigerio
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    Let's Take A Selfie – Mykonos

    Míconos, Grecia

    Duración 5 hs.

    Snap selfies at the most photogenic spots in and around Mykonos, many of them iconic attractions that define the island. To ensure the best possible results, a selfie expert guide will offer tips so you can capture just the right angle, lighting and composition for every shot. Selfie sticks are available and complemented by a convenient photo frame, enabling you to capture, share, and post the best pictures.

    As you walk and ride around Mykonos, you will pause at designated selfie stops that include:
    • Mykonos Old Port
    • Little Venice neighborhood
    • Ano Mera village
    • A Mykonoian farm
    • Kalafatis Beach
    • Mykonos viewpoint


    • Take inspiring selfies at the most photogenic attractions on Mykonos.
    • Follow tips from your selfie expert guide to ensure the very best pictures.
    • Learn the historical significance of the locales while enjoying their dramatic settings.
    • Spend free time in Mykonos Town, home to the artistic neighborhood Little Venice.
    • See an array of destinations ranging from Ano Mera village to Kalafatis Beach.
    • Enjoy a tasting of local products at a typical farm on Mykonos.


    • Wear casual, weather-appropriate clothing and comfortable walking shoes.
    • Bring a hat, sunglasses and sunscreen.
    • Be sure your phone or camera is fully charged.

    Lo que debes saber:

    Note: This tour will only include external visits. The tour is not recommended for guests who utilize a wheelchair, scooter, or who have any walking limitations. Those guests with mobility concerns are cautioned to evaluate their personal level of ability and stamina. The order of sites visited may vary. Wear comfortable shoes, sunglasses, and comfortable clothing. Bring your own fully charged cellphone or camera. A limited number of selfie sticks will be available to share. Guests who go ashore do so with the understanding that they will be mixing with members of the general public. Guests who miss the return transportation will be responsible for getting back to the ship. The tour is sensitive to weather conditions (rain, wind, and sun).
    • Adultos desde: $149.00 USD
    • Niños desde: $139.00 USD
    DURACIÓN 5 horas
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    Gourmet Tour - Mykonian Seafood Treasures

    Míconos, Grecia

    Duración 3 hs.


    Dine at a waterfront restaurant on Paraga Beach, an ideal setting to savor signature seafood of Mykonos. On the way there, you will pass through the naturally beautiful landscape that is so representative of Mykonos. Upon reaching Paraga, the island's southernmost beach, you will settle in at Tasos Tavern, which overlooks a lengthy stretch of white sand and the turquoise waters of the Aegean Sea. It has become a dining institution of sorts, having opened in 1962. The large islands that you will see on the not too distant horizon are Paros and Naxos. The waters surrounding Mykonos yield an abundance of fish, squid and mussels, some of which may on the lunch menu. A meze of grilled sardines seasoned with olive oil and lemon juice might also be served. To complement the meal, you will enjoy wines that pair perfectly with the dishes.


    • Dine at a waterfront tavern overlooking the southernmost beach on Mykonos.
    • Savor classic mezes made with locally sourced ingredients.
    • Enjoy dishes that highlight the bounty of seafood in the surrounding Aegean Sea.


    • Dress in weather-appropriate clothing.
    • Wear flat comfortable walking shoes.

    Lo que debes saber:

    Note: Any allergies must be noted when booking the tour. This tour includes a little walking, mainly at the guest's discretion. Coaches do not have a lift and entering and exiting must be done via stairs. As this excursion involves standing and walking for periods of time, those guests with mobility concerns are cautioned to evaluate their level of ability and stamina. Casual, weather-appropriate clothing and comfortable, flat walking shoes are suggested.
    • Adultos desde: $209.00 USD
    • Niños desde: $209.00 USD
    DURACIÓN 3 horas
    • Comida
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    Gourmet Tour - Mykonian Unique Flavors

    Míconos, Grecia

    Duración 3 1/2 hs.


    Savor a traditional lunch at a family-owned farmstead where everything for your meal is grown in the garden and produced on the premises. As you travel inland to this heritage farm, you will pass through a beautiful and fruitful landscape. With each mile, it will seem as if you are going further back in time, to a period when farming was done by hand and everything was grown organically. Such is the setting of the Rizes Folklore Farmstead, where the Zouganeli family farms the land using age-old methods. Chances are, the aromas of fresh-baked bread will be wafting through the air, piquing your senses for the classic Mykonian meal to follow. The menu usually includes delicious mezes and meat pies made from recipes handed down over the generations. You may also be offered local ouzo, wine or tsipouro, a grape-distilled spirit flavored with anise.


    • Visit a farmstead that has been producing food using traditional methods for generations.
    • Dine on a meal that highlights the ingredients grown on the family-owned farmstead.
    • Complement the meal with local wine, ouzo and tsipouro.


    • Dress in weather-appropriate clothing.
    • Wear flat comfortable walking shoes.

    Lo que debes saber:

    Note: Any allergies must be noted when booking the tour. This tour includes a little walking, mainly at the guest's discretion. Coaches do not have a lift and entering and exiting must be done via stairs. As this excursion involves standing and walking for periods of time, those guests with mobility concerns are cautioned to evaluate their level of ability and stamina. Casual, weather-appropriate clothing and comfortable, flat walking shoes are suggested.
    • Adultos desde: $499.00 USD
    • Niños desde: $499.00 USD
    DURACIÓN 3 1/2 hs.
    • Comida

Please note: The information in this document was current at time of printing. Tour descriptions and prices vary by ship and sailing date and are subject to change without notice. Inicia sesión en My NCL para obtener la información específica correspondiente a tu crucero.

Printed on Saturday, June 15, 2024 at 09:38pm