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    Sabores de Italia y visión general de Roma

    Roma (Civitavecchia), Italia

    Duración 9 hs.

    Admira un exuberante paisaje salpicado de pueblos históricos, granjas y grandes villas. Viajarás al lago Albano, que está situado en el cráter de un volcán extinto y a Castel Gandolfo, que se encuentra en la cima de una colina, un bonito pueblo que bordea el palacio papal, y que ha sido durante siglos la residencia de verano de los papas. Pasea por el pueblo medieval y contempla el exterior del palacio.

    Conduce por las ondulantes colinas de la región vitivinícola de Roma y haz una parada en una granja local. Te recibirá un miembro de la familia que te mostrará la propiedad. La señora de la casa hará una demostración de cómo hacer pasta fresca y, si quieres, podrás probarla antes de degustar una comida casera italiana, acompañado por supuesto por un vino artesanal.

    Después de comer dirígete al centro de Roma, detente para contemplar el exterior del Coliseo y haz turismo panorámico de otros lugares de interés de la ciudad. Contempla desde fuera el Coliseo, el Foro Romano y otros lugares de interés de la ciudad.

    Lo que debes saber:

    Nota: Una parte moderada de este tour se realiza a pie. Tu guía se reunirá contigo en Castel Gandolfo, pero, tendrás un acompañante durante todo el día. Se ofrece en todos los viajes de Norwegian Spirit y en los viajes desde Barcelona a bordo del Norwegian Epic únicamente.
    • Adultos desde: 230,77 EUR
    • Niños desde: 165,89 EUR
    DURACIÓN 9 horas
    • Comida
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    Rome Attraction Pass With Colosseum

    Roma (Civitavecchia), Italia

    Duración 4 hs.


    Maximize your sightseeing in Rome with an Attraction Pass that includes guided walking tours through iconic landmarks such as the Pantheon and free admission to the Colosseum. Walking allows you to truly experience Rome as you will be among the locals, see the attractions up close and linger longer at them. You will enjoy a sweeping view of the city from atop the Spanish Steps, pause at the famed 18th-century Trevi Fountain and visit the ruins of the Roman Forum, a multi-purpose ancient site for everything from public speeches to religious ceremonies. Gladiatorial matches were held there before the Colosseum was built at the height of the Roman Empire. Few experiences are quite so enlightening as browsing the interior of this famed Roman amphitheater. Rome is just as renowned for its squares and you will see two of the most beautiful – Piazza Venezia and Piazza Navona, whose elongated shape reflects its original function as a stadium for athletic events.

    • Use the Attraction Pass for guided walking tours that will lend insight into Rome’s history.
    • See iconic landmarks such as the Trevi Fountain, Spanish Steps and Roman Forum.
    • Enjoy free admission into the Colosseum, which was built in the 1st century AD.
    • Experience Rome on a more personal level by walking from attraction to attraction.

    • Dress in weather-appropriate clothing.
    • Wear flat comfortable walking shoes.

    Lo que debes saber:

    Note: This tour includes a moderate amount of walking mainly at the guest's discretion. It is not available to guests who utilize a wheelchair. Guests must be able to walk approximately 5 miles and endure extended periods of standing. Those guests with mobility concerns are cautioned to evaluate their personal level of ability and stamina. Casual, weather-appropriate clothing and comfortable, flat walking shoes are suggested. The order of the tour may be reversed or altered depending on traffic or local conditions.
    • Adultos desde: 277,11 EUR
    • Niños desde: 240,04 EUR
    DURACIÓN 4 horas
    • Familiar
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    Roma y el Coliseo

    Roma (Civitavecchia), Italia

    Duración 10 hs.

    Retrocede atrás en el tiempo hasta la Roma antigua con una visita al icónico Coliseo de la ciudad. Los romanos construyeron anfiteatros por todo su vasto imperio, pero este es el más grande y el más importante de todos. Sus cuatro niveles de asientos podían albergar a 50,000 espectadores para ver un sangriento combate de gladiadores y peleas de animales salvajes. Continúa hasta el Foro Romano, el centro de la vida política, económica y religiosa de la ciudad antigua, y que fue testigo de todo tipo de eventos, desde procesiones triunfales hasta debates políticos.

    Tu siguiente parada es en la famosa Fontana di Trevi. Esta gran construcción barroca se construyó en 1732 y muestra a Neptuno, el dios del mar, que surge de su carro con forma de concha. Después de comer, visita la Plaza de San Pedro, diseñada y construida por Bernini, y la Basílica de San Pedro. Si el tiempo lo permite, dispondrás de tiempo libre para explorarla por tu cuenta.

    Lo que debes saber:

    Nota: El tour implica una caminata considerable por calles adoquinadas, superficies irregulares y escaleras. Los pasajeros que tengan planeado visitar lugares religiosos durante su tiempo libre deberán vestirse adecuadamente y no llevar pantalones cortos, faldas por encima de la rodilla ni los hombros descubiertos.

    No se permite el uso de bolsos grandes o mochilas en la Basílica de San Pedro. Tu guía se reunirá contigo en Roma, pero habrá un acompañante contigo durante todo el día. Se ofrece en todos los viajes de Norwegian Spirit y en los viajes desde Barcelona a bordo del Norwegian Epic únicamente.

    • Adultos desde: 304,91 EUR
    • Niños desde: 240,04 EUR
    DURACIÓN 10 horas
    • Comida
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    Bocelli Music & Art

    Roma (Civitavecchia), Italia

    Duración 9 1/2 hs.

    Enjoy a private piano concert and lunch at a restaurant in Rome and see the Eternal City’s signature attractions on a panoramic tour. Your immersion into all things Roman will begin with an enlightening drive through the capital, during which you will see icons such as the Colosseum, Trevi Fountain and Circus Maximus, the massive stadium where the Romans once held chariot races. You will then reach a panoramic restaurant in the Centre of the Eternal City, which will be the venue also for a piano concert of Italian classics with an accomplished singer as accompaniment. After the pop-lyric show, head over to the restaurant for an inspired lunch. Each course will be paired with a wine produced in the Tuscan estate of Andrea Bocelli’s family so you'll discover the fine Bocelli Wines of the Bocelli Farmhouse. You will then view even more iconic locations such as St. Peter’s Square and Piazza Navona.

    • Enjoy a private piano concert and singing performance at a restaurant overlooking Rome.
    • Savor a four-course lunch accompanied by wines that Andrea Bocelli’s family estate produces.
    • Spend hours driving around Rome, admiring the most iconic landmarks.

    Lo que debes saber:

    Note: This tour includes limited walking, mainly at the guest's discretion. It is available to guests who utilize a collapsible wheelchair, can make their way on and off the coach and have a companion to assist them. Be aware that to reach the panoramic terrace of the restaurant for lunch, it is necessary to make some steps, there is not a lift between the last roof of the building and the terrace where lunch is served.
    • Adultos desde: 388,32 EUR
    • Niños desde: 388,32 EUR
    DURACIÓN 9 1/2 hs.
    • Comida
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    Lo mejor de Roma

    Roma (Civitavecchia), Italia

    Duración 10 hs.

    Empezarás en la Roma antigua con una visita al icónico Coliseo. Los romanos construyeron anfiteatros por todo su vasto imperio, pero este es el más grande y el más importante de todos. Sus cuatro niveles de asientos podían albergar a 50,000 espectadores para ver un sangriento combate de gladiadores y peleas de animales salvajes. En ciertas ocasiones, el Coliseo era inundado para simular batallas navales.

    La próxima parada será la Fontana di Trevi. Esta gran construcción barroca se construyó en 1732 y muestra a Neptuno, el dios del mar, que surge de su carro con forma de concha. Después caminarás hasta el Panteón donde podrás entrar por tu cuenta si lo deseas y tendrás tiempo libre para comer. Esta es una de las estructuras de la antigua Roma mejor conservadas, con la cúpula de ladrillo más grande en la historia de la arquitectura.

    Durante tu breve visita a la Ciudad del Vaticano, podrás admirar la belleza de la Plaza de San Pedro y contemplar algunos de los tesoros de la iglesia más grande del mundo, la Basílica de San Pedro. El Museo del Vaticano alberga obras maestras de distintos siglos. Admira la Capilla Sixtina, coronada con los magníficos frescos de Miguel Ángel.

    Lo que debes saber:

    Nota: Este es un tour rápido que exige un largo tiempo de caminata por terreno adoquinado y hay que subir escaleras. Puesto que este tour incluye una visita a un lugar religioso, debes vestirte de manera apropiada. No se permite llevar los hombros al descubierto ni vestir pantalones cortos o faldas por encima de la rodilla. No se permite el uso de bolsos grandes o mochilas en el Vaticano. Tanto en el Vaticano como en la Capilla Sixtina seguramente habrá muchísima gente, especialmente durante los meses de verano. El tour no se hace los domingos porque el Vaticano está cerrado.

    • Adultos desde: 406,86 EUR
    • Niños desde: 406,86 EUR
    DURACIÓN 10 horas
    • Tour U
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    Open Top Panoramic Rome Tour

    Roma (Civitavecchia), Italia

    Duración 5 1/2 hs.

    See Rome from the top of a double-decker bus and enjoy unobstructed 360° views of the most well-known attractions and enlightening commentary that describes their significance. Upon arriving at the city center, you will hop aboard and begin a panoramic drive that will take you past one Roman landmark after another. You will see the extraordinarily beautiful Basilica of Santa Maria Maggiore, the ruins of the Colosseum and the site of the massive Circus Maximus, an ancient chariot racetrack that was also used for gladiator fights and other barbaric public spectacles. Other highlights include the elaborate monument honoring the first king of unified Italy in the Piazza Venezia, the Castel Sant'Angelo fortress on the banks of the Tiber River, the Theatre of Marcellus and many other sights as your drive through the city’s streets.

    • Drive through Rome and admire the landmarks from the top of a double-decker bus.
    • Enjoy unobstructed views of ancient icons such as the Colosseum and Circus Maximus.
    • View architectural highlights ranging from the Castel Sant’Angelo from Spanish Steps to the ornate Piazza Venezia.

    • 1 hour free time given after the Panoramic bus ride in Rome

    • Dress in weather-appropriate clothing.
    • Wear flat comfortable walking shoes.

    Lo que debes saber:

    Note: This tour is primarily panoramic in nature with walking at the guest’s discretion during stops. It is available to guests who utilize a collapsible wheelchair, can make their way on and off the coach and have a companion to assist them. Weather appropriate clothing; sunglasses; and flat, comfortable walking shoes are recommended. The bus canopy can be closed due to weather.
    • Adultos desde: 156,63 EUR
    • Niños desde: 128,82 EUR
    DURACIÓN 5 1/2 hs.
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    Roma panorámica, con traslado

    Roma (Civitavecchia), Italia

    Duración 6 1/2 hs.

    Disfruta de un recorrido guiado por Roma, con tiempo libre para visitar los lugares de tu preferencia o para hacer compras. Pasarás por monumentos como la columna Trajana, el Arco de Constantino, el Circo Máximo, el Coliseo y el Foro Romano.

    Después de ver estos lugares destacados, te dejarán en una ubicación céntrica donde tendrás unas dos horas de tiempo libre. Tu guía te avisará de a qué hora te recogerán para trasladarte al hotel de tu programa de Norwegian Cruise Line o al aeropuerto.

    Lo que debes saber:

    Nota: Los pasajeros que tengan planeado visitar lugares religiosos durante el tiempo libre deberán vestirse adecuadamente: no se permite usar pantalones cortos, faldas por encima de la rodilla ni llevar los hombros descubiertos. No se permite el uso de bolsos grandes o mochilas en el Vaticano ni en la Basílica de San Pedro. This tour is only available for guests with flights after 5:00 pm. This tour is offered only on sailings debarking in Civitavecchia.
    • Adultos desde: 138,09 EUR
    • Niños desde: 91,75 EUR
    DURACIÓN 6 1/2 hs.
    • Desembarque
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    Lo más destacado de Roma con traslado

    Roma (Civitavecchia), Italia

    Duración 8 hs.

    Comienza tu recorrido por la "ciudad eterna" con una visita al exterior del Arco de Constantino y el Coliseo, el símbolo de poder de la Roma imperial. Pasarás por el Foro Romano, la Piazza Venezia, el teatro Marcello y el Circo Massimo de camino a la Fontana di Trevi.

    Tendrás algo de tiempo libre para almorzar antes de volver a subir al autobús para dirigirte a la Plaza de San Pedro. Allí visitarás la Basílica, que tiene capacidad para albergar a un máximo de 300,000 personas. Después de la visita, tienes el servicio de traslado al hotel correspondiente a tu programa de Norwegian Cruise Line o al aeropuerto para tu partida.

    Lo que debes saber:

    Nota: Al visitar un lugar religioso, es recomendable vestirse de manera apropiada: no se permite llevar los hombros al descubierto ni usar pantalones cortos o faldas por encima de la rodilla. No se permite el uso de bolsos grandes o mochilas en el Vaticano ni en la Basílica de San Pedro. Este tour solo está disponible para pasajeros con vuelos después de las 6:00 p. m.
    • Adultos desde: 165,89 EUR
    • Niños desde: 119,56 EUR
    DURACIÓN 8 horas
    • Desembarque
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    Accessible Companion: Rome, Pantheon & Spanish Steps

    Roma (Civitavecchia), Italia

    Duración 8 hs.


    This excursion is for guests that use a cane/walker, have limited mobility issues or for companions of those guest that have booked mobility equipment tour.

    Those guests that are fully dependent on their mobility device please book: CIV_A4 ACCESSIBLE Mobility Equipment- Rome, Pantheon & Spanish Steps.

    Tour includes step-free routes, shorter distances and no stairs. Accessible restrooms with wide doors for wheelchairs are present along the tour route. Vehicles are adapted with an access ramp (or lift where available) to accommodate a limited number of wheelchairs and/or mobility scooters. Guides are not allowed to push wheelchairs; therefore, guests needing special assistance must be accompanied by an able-bodied.

    Experience one high-profile attraction in Rome after another beginning with the ruins of the Roman Forum and the ancient government buildings around it. Not far away, you will find the Colosseum, the largest amphitheater in antiquity. It opened in the 1st century with 100 days of games, gladiatorial combats and animal fights. Other highlights from that general time period include the Pantheon temple that emperor Hadrian completed and his mausoleum, known as Castel Sant’Angelo. The Trevi Fountain is just as iconic, whether from being the city’s largest baroque fountain or from being featured in movies such as “Roman Holiday.” You will also see several famed piazzas. A Bernini fountain with an Egyptian obelisk is at the center of the elegant Piazza Navona. The Piazza di Spagna offers the best bottom-up view of the Spanish Steps. Since their construction in the early 18th century, the wide travertine steps have been one of Rome’s most popular meeting places.


    • See the most famous landmarks in Rome and come away with a better historical perspective.
    • View the Roman Forum, Colosseum and the Pantheon, the most high-profile sites from antiquity.
    • Stop at the Trevi Fountain and the Spanish steps, two icons from the 18th century.


    • Dress in weather-appropriate clothing.

    Lo que debes saber:

    Note: This tour has a limited capacity; please book early.
    • Adultos desde: 323,45 EUR
    • Niños desde: 323,45 EUR
    DURACIÓN 8 horas
    • Accesibilidad
    • Accesibilidad limitada
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    Accessible Mobility Equipment: Rome, Pantheon & Spanish Steps

    Roma (Civitavecchia), Italia

    Duración 8 hs.


    This excursion is for guests who are fully dependent on their mobility device. You will be required to supply your own wheelchair/scooter. Your mobility equipment (manual or electric) must not exceed the following dimensions: W 31", L 37", H 66".

    Those guests that are companions, use a cane or walker, or have limited mobility issues must book the companion tour code: CIV_A3 ACCESSIBLE Companion: Rome, Pantheon & Spanish Steps.

    Tour includes step-free routes, shorter distances and no stairs. Accessible restrooms with wide doors for wheelchairs are present along the tour route. Vehicles are adapted with an access ramp (or lift where available) to accommodate a limited number of wheelchairs and/or mobility scooters. Guides are not allowed to push wheelchairs; therefore, guests needing special assistance must be accompanied by an able-bodied.

    Experience one high-profile attraction in Rome after another beginning with the ruins of the Roman Forum and the ancient government buildings around it. Not far away, you will find the Colosseum, the largest amphitheater in antiquity. It opened in the 1st century with 100 days of games, gladiatorial combats and animal fights. Other highlights from that general time period include the Pantheon temple that emperor Hadrian completed and his mausoleum, known as Castel Sant’Angelo. The Trevi Fountain is just as iconic, whether from being the city’s largest baroque fountain or from being featured in movies such as “Roman Holiday.” You will also see several famed piazzas. A Bernini fountain with an Egyptian obelisk is at the center of the elegant Piazza Navona. The Piazza di Spagna offers the best bottom-up view of the Spanish Steps. Since their construction in the early 18th century, the wide travertine steps have been one of Rome’s most popular meeting places.


    • See the most famous landmarks in Rome and come away with a better historical perspective.
    • View the Roman Forum, Colosseum and the Pantheon, the most high-profile sites from antiquity.
    • Stop at the Trevi Fountain and the Spanish steps, two icons from the 18th century.


    • Dress in weather-appropriate clothing.

    Lo que debes saber:

    Note: This tour has a limited capacity; please book early.
    • Adultos desde: 323,45 EUR
    • Niños desde: 323,45 EUR
    DURACIÓN 8 horas
    • Accesibilidad
    • Accesibilidad limitada

Ten en cuenta: la información de este documento estaba vigente al momento de la impresión. Las descripciones y precios de los tours varían según el barco y la fecha de salida y están sujetos a cambios sin aviso. Inicia sesión en My NCL para obtener la información específica correspondiente a tu crucero.

Printed on Friday, April 19, 2024 at 01:39am