Shore Excursion Details

Traditional Estancia La Rabida And Montevideo

Montevideo, Uruguay

Traditional Estancia La Rabida And Montevideo


  • 61/2
    hrs Estimate Duration
  • Meal

Prepare for a memorable day at an estancia in the countryside, where a traditional Uruguayan family opens their home and welcomes you for the day. You’ll also see the highlights of Montevideo during an orientation drive. Enjoy the views of Montevideo with a stop at Independence Square to see the many sites including the Solís Theatre, Palacio Salvo and a statue of General Artigas, considered the father of Uruguay. Drive through the suburbs and countryside to Estancia La Rabida where a traditional Uruguayan family opens their home and welcomes you for the day. The estancia is set in a 2,470 acre, century-old ranch used to produce 12,000 liters of milk daily. It is used by the Uruguayan government when entertaining guests offering them an authentic glimpse of Uruguayan life. Part of the fun is travelling to the river by choice of a hay truck, an old model T or horse drawn carriage. A traditional barbeque (asado) is served accompanied by a variety of salads and national wines. Enjoy a walk around the farm if you choose.

Need to Know:

Note: Weather appropriate clothing; flat and comfortable walking shoes are recommended.

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Excursion Type:

Scenic & City Tours

Activity Level:

Image Title
  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
Tours with this activity level involve walking over relatively level terrain, possibly some cobblestone, gravel, or a few steps. Comfortable shoes are recommended.
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