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    Go Local - Best Local Roman Food Scoop

    Roma (Civitavecchia), Italia

    Durata 8 ore

    Walk through Lungotevere, one of the oldest sections of Rome, and sample a multitude of classic Italian treats. Your culinary immersion will begin at Campo de Fiori, where you will meander a bustling outdoor marketplace with stalls full of colorful produce, aromatic spices and classic Italian condiments. Crudites will be offered, allowing you to see just how tasty raw vegetables can be, especially when dipped in seasoned fresh-pressed olive oil. You will then walk to a bakery for a pizza tasting, on to a chocolate shop to sample confections and then to Sant’ Eustachio, a coffee shop that makes its espresso with water from an ancient aqueduct. The proprietors will explain how they ensure the freshest ingredients and highest quality. A refreshing dessert follows at Giolitti, which may be Rome’s oldest, if not finest, gelato shop. You will then enjoy free time around Navona Square, a wonderfully atmospheric area built over a stadium from the 1st century.

    • Taste an array of classic Italian treats in one of the Rome’s oldest sections.
    • Expect to sample crudites, pizza, chocolate confections, coffee and gelato.
    • Spend free time exploring atmospheric Navona Square.

    Cose da sapere:

    This tour includes about five hours of walking and standing with some inclines and cobblestone surfaces to negotiate, plus any additional walking at the guests’ discretion during free time. The tour is not available to wheelchair guests and may not be suitable for those with mobility concerns who should evaluate their stamina and ability before joining the tour.

    • Adult from: 229,54 EUR
    • Child from: 211,10 EUR
    DURATA 8 ore
    • Merenda
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    Roma e il Vaticano

    Roma (Civitavecchia), Italia

    Durata 9 ore e 1/2

    Vedrai la Città Eterna con un tour panoramico che ti mostrerà monumenti iconici come il Colosseo dell'antica Roma dove combattevano i gladiatori. In Vatican City admire the beauty of St. Peter's Square, and view some of the treasures of the world's largest church, St. Peter's Basilica during your brief visit. The Vatican Museum is home to masterpieces spanning the centuries, marvel at the Sistine Chapel, topped by Michelangelo's magnificent ceiling. Lunch is included.

    Cose da sapere:


    Tour is quick paced, with an extensive amount of walking over cobblestone terrain and several steps to negotiate. As tour visits a religious site, please dress appropriately - no bare shoulders, shorts, or skirts above the knee. Large bags or backpacks aren't permitted in the Vatican.

    Your guide will join you in Rome, however you'll have an escort with you throughout the day. Expect large crowds at the Vatican and Sistine Chapel, especially during summer. Tour will not operate on Sundays as the Vatican is closed.

    • Adult from: 321,72 EUR
    • Child from: 229,54 EUR
    DURATA 9 ore e 1/2
    • Pasto
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    Let's Take a Selfie - Rome

    Roma (Civitavecchia), Italia

    Durata 9 ore e 1/2

    Capture the moment by taking the perfect selfie photo in Rome! Instantly share your experience with family & friends on your favorite social media site as many of the stops will include wi-fi in real time. Professional photographers & selfie experts will teach you how to take the best selfie photo including composition, posing, lighting etc. Capture the spirit of this incredible destination.

    Your tour will start with a scenic drive from the ship to Rome. Your walking tour will have designated selfie stops at: • Colosseum
    • Imperial Forum
    • Campidoglio
    • Borghese Gardens
    • Pinicio Terrace
    • Spanish Steps
    • Trevi Fountain
    • Navona Square
    • St. Peter’s Square

    To make this experience even more fun you will be provided with a selfie stick to help catch the perfect picture. In addition, you will enjoy some free time at Navona Square and end your picture-perfect day with a gelato near St. Peter’s Square.

    Cose da sapere:

    Note: The tour requires approximately 4 miles of walking over cobblestones, uneven surfaces and steps. Tour is not recommended to guests who utilize a wheelchair. Those guests with mobility concerns are cautioned to evaluate their personal level of ability and stamina. The order of sites visited may vary. Wear comfortable shoes, sunglasses and comfortable clothing. Bring your own fully charged cellphone or camera. A limited amount of selfie sticks will be available to share.
    • Adult from: 174,23 EUR
    • Child from: 155,79 EUR
    DURATA 9 ore e 1/2
    • Merenda
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    Go Local - His Majesty the Truffle

    Roma (Civitavecchia), Italia

    Durata 5 ore e 1/2

    Enjoy a leisurely walk through the woods with a truffle hunter and a dog specially trained to sniff out the prized subterranean mushrooms. Truffles grow near the roots of trees such as birch oaks and hornbeams and prefer well-drained soils. Expert truffle hunters know where to find them and fiercely guard the locations, as gourmands covet these aromatic, flavorful delicacies, sometimes paying huge sums for the rarer ones. As you follow the truffle hunter and dog through the forest, you will learn about the local species of truffles and their characteristics. Watching the dog in action will be quite the treat, as it has a knack for finding truffles at peak ripeness. The lagotto romagnolo is the traditional truffle-hunting breed in Italy, although many other breeds can be trained to point out a buried truffle. As the perfect end to your truffle-hunting adventure, you will sample a selection of truffle-based specialties.


    • Watch a specially trained dog find truffles growing underground deep in the woods.
    • Gain insight into the world of rare truffles, which are coveted among gourmet chefs.
    • Sample classic Italian specialties made even more flavorful with local species of truffles

    Cose da sapere:

    This tour includes approximately 2.5 hours of moderate walking/standing. There will be 4 steps to enter/exit the motor coach. Guests will have to manage uneven and paved surfaces throughout the excursion. The tour is not available to wheelchair guests and may not be suitable for those with mobility concerns who are cautioned to carefully evaluate their personal level of stamina and ability. Casual, weather-appropriate clothing and comfortable, flat walking shoes are suggested.

    • Adult from: 183,44 EUR
    • Child from: 165,01 EUR
    DURATA 5 ore e 1/2
    • Merenda
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    Roman Castles & Catacombs

    Roma (Civitavecchia), Italia

    Durata 9 ore

    Discover some of the more unusual attractions in and around Rome, including one of its largest catacombs and Castel Gandolfo, the pope’s glorious summer residence.

    After departing from the pier, a meandering drive toward Rome will bring you to the Catacombs of Santa Domitilla, which are believed to be the world’s oldest Christian cemetery. While browsing the sprawling complex of burial chambers, be sure to notice the stunning frescoes, which have been meticulously restored with lasers that removed centuries of grime without damaging the color pigments below.

    Continuing on to the lovely village of Genzano, you will enjoy a traditional Italian lunch and wine tasting at the farm Monte Due Torri. Not far away lies the beautiful village of Nemi, which overlooks a smallish volcanic lake of the same name.

    This area is known for the wild strawberries that grow in the surrounding woods, and Nemi takes full advantage of their popularity by using berries in all sorts of dishes. During free time, you might try something as classic as strawberry gelato or as unexpected as strawberry risotto. Strawberries and references to them are virtually everywhere.

    A stop at Castel Gandolfo, the pope’s summer residence, rounds out this excursion, presenting yet another perspective of the Roman countryside. Construction on the palace began in the 1600s but it wasn’t until somewhat recently that this glimpse into papal life was opened to the public. After exploring on your own, you will have time to shop before returning to the pier.

    Cose da sapere:

    Note: This tour includes approximately 3 hours of walking. It is not recommended for guests who utilize a wheelchair. Those guests with mobility concerns are cautioned to evaluate their personal level of ability and stamina. Casual, weather-appropriate clothing and comfortable, flat walking shoes are suggested. No shorts or bare shoulders due to visit of the catacombs.
    • Adult from: 201,88 EUR
    • Child from: 128,13 EUR
    DURATA 9 ore
    • Pasto
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    The Wonders of Ancient Ostia

    Roma (Civitavecchia), Italia

    Durata 4 ore e 1/2

    Meander through the excavated ruins of Ostia, the commercial center and port for ancient Rome, which was completely abandoned after the fall of the empire.

    After departing from the pier, you will settle in for a leisurely and picturesque drive that follows the coast to Ostia, Rome’s principal port through antiquity. It was founded at the mouth of the Tiber River in the 7th century B.C. to extract salt from the nearby marshes.

    Ostia was later fortified and thrived until the fall of Rome, when the port was abandoned. Fortunately, river silt eventually covered the city, protecting it from the elements and plunderers. The ruins that remain today offer a wonderful glimpse into early Roman life.

    As you meander roads such as the main thoroughfare Decumanus Maximus, you can expect to see one of the world’s oldest theaters, which is still used on occasion. Nearby, you will find the Forum Baths, a mosaic of Neptune riding four horses and a collection of large warehouses that stored grain and other items needed to feed the ancient Romans.

    Ostia is also full of temples, including one dedicated to Hercules and another patterned after the Pantheon in Rome. You may also see excavated private residences adorned with frescoes, a bakery with millstones scattered about and commercial offices for ship-owners and traders. The port was designed around a grid pattern that became the standard for Roman military cities, and the layout is still visible today.

    Cose da sapere:

    Note: This tour includes approximately 2 hours of walking over cobblestones & uneven paths inside excavations. It is not available to guests who utilize a wheelchair. Those guests with mobility concerns are cautioned to evaluate their personal level of ability and stamina. Casual, weather-appropriate clothing and comfortable, flat walking shoes are suggested.
    • Adult from: 118,92 EUR
    • Child from: 91,26 EUR
    DURATA 4 ore e 1/2
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    Panoramica dei sapori dell'Italia e di Roma

    Roma (Civitavecchia), Italia

    Durata 9 ore

    Admire a lush landscape dotted with historic towns, farms and grand villas. You'll travel to Lake Albano, situated in the crater of an extinct volcano, and the hilltop town of Castel Gandolfo, a pretty village that clusters around the papal palace, where the popes have had their summer residence for centuries. Enjoy a walk in the medieval village and see the exterior of the palace.

    Drive through the rolling hills of Rome's wine growing region and stop at a local farmhouse. You'll be greeted by a member of the family, who will show you around the property. Mama herself will demonstrate how to make fresh pasta and you may give it a try if you like, before settling down for a homemade Italian lunch, accompanied of course by home produced wines.

    After lunch, drive to the heart of Rome, stop to view the exteriors of the Colosseum and a panoramic sightseeing of other highlights of the city. View the exteriors of the Colosseum, Roman Forum and other highlights of the city.

    Cose da sapere:

    Note: Tour requires a moderate amount of walking. Your guide will join you in Castel Gandolfo; however, you’ll have an escort with you throughout the day. Offered on all Norwegian Spirit sailings and on Norwegian Epic round-trip Barcelona sailings only.
    • Adult from: 229,54 EUR
    • Child from: 165,01 EUR
    DURATA 9 ore
    • Pasto
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    Farmer’s Breakfast In Tolfa

    Roma (Civitavecchia), Italia

    Durata 4 ore

    Explore the medieval mountain village of Tolfa and work up an appetite for the hearty breakfast to follow at a rural estate. While traveling inland through the volcanically formed mountains, you will pass a 17th-century Capuchin convent that has been converted into a school of archaeology. How appropriate as the past will be ever present as you meander through the atmospheric streets of Tolfa. Highlights include the ruins of the Frangipani castle, a 13th-century palace that once housed the area’s governor, and the Saint Egidio Church, which is named for the patron saint of Tolfa. During free time, you might head for the central piazza to take in the spectacular views of the landscape that you will drive through on the way to the country estate. The working ranch offers a wonderful setting for your farmer’s breakfast of mixed bruschetta, vegetable omelet and local cheeses.

    • Travel through the scenic mountainous landscape that surrounds the village of Tolfa.
    • Explore the medieval village of Tolfa with a guide and on your own.
    • Enjoy a hearty farmer’s breakfast at a country estate that is also a working ranch.

    • Dress in weather-appropriate clothing.
    • Wear flat comfortable walking shoes.

    Cose da sapere:

    Note: This tour includes approximately 1 hour of walking over some cobblestone surfaces, mainly at the guest's discretion. It is not recommended for guests who utilize a wheelchair. Those guests with mobility concerns are cautioned to evaluate their personal level of ability and stamina. Casual, weather-appropriate clothing and comfortable, flat walking shoes are suggested. Guests wishing to enter religious sights must wear the appropriate clothing. Shoulders and knees should be covered.
    • Adult from: 118,92 EUR
    • Child from: 118,92 EUR
    DURATA 4 ore
    • Pasto
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    Rome Attraction Pass With Colosseum

    Roma (Civitavecchia), Italia

    Durata 4 ore


    Maximize your sightseeing in Rome with an Attraction Pass that includes guided walking tours through iconic landmarks such as the Pantheon and free admission to the Colosseum. Walking allows you to truly experience Rome as you will be among the locals, see the attractions up close and linger longer at them. You will enjoy a sweeping view of the city from atop the Spanish Steps, pause at the famed 18th-century Trevi Fountain and visit the ruins of the Roman Forum, a multi-purpose ancient site for everything from public speeches to religious ceremonies. Gladiatorial matches were held there before the Colosseum was built at the height of the Roman Empire. Few experiences are quite so enlightening as browsing the interior of this famed Roman amphitheater. Rome is just as renowned for its squares and you will see two of the most beautiful – Piazza Venezia and Piazza Navona, whose elongated shape reflects its original function as a stadium for athletic events.

    • Use the Attraction Pass for guided walking tours that will lend insight into Rome’s history.
    • See iconic landmarks such as the Trevi Fountain, Spanish Steps and Roman Forum.
    • Enjoy free admission into the Colosseum, which was built in the 1st century AD.
    • Experience Rome on a more personal level by walking from attraction to attraction.

    • Dress in weather-appropriate clothing.
    • Wear flat comfortable walking shoes.

    Cose da sapere:

    Note: This tour includes a moderate amount of walking mainly at the guest's discretion. It is not available to guests who utilize a wheelchair. Guests must be able to walk approximately 5 miles and endure extended periods of standing. Those guests with mobility concerns are cautioned to evaluate their personal level of ability and stamina. Casual, weather-appropriate clothing and comfortable, flat walking shoes are suggested. The order of the tour may be reversed or altered depending on traffic or local conditions.
    • Adult from: 275,63 EUR
    • Child from: 238,75 EUR
    DURATA 4 ore
    • Famiglia
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    Gourmet Tour - Italy's Hidden Gem: Bracciano Lake

    Roma (Civitavecchia), Italia

    Durata 5 ore e 3/4


    View Lake Bracciano from several vantage points, including the towns of Trevignano Romano and Bracciano. One of the largest, clearest bodies of water in the region, Lake Bracciano is volcanically formed unlike the glacial lakes to the north. A natural reserve of forests and olive groves borders much of the lake making for a serene setting, especially since motorized boats are prohibited. You will enjoy a bit of free time in Trevignano Romano, one of the three main towns along the lakeshore. You might walk the lengthy waterfront promenade, stop in one of the cafés for coffee and a snack or simply spend the entire time gazing out over the turquoise waters. Afterwards, you will drive to the town of Bracciano – home to the landmark medieval castle Orsini-Odescalchi – for a multi-course lunch of classic Italian cuisine at a restaurant right on the lake.


    • Explore beautiful Lake Bracciano, a brilliant blue volcanically formed body of water.
    • Spend free time in Trevignano Romano and perhaps stroll its lakeshore promenade.
    • Dine at a restaurant partially built on stilts directly over the shoreline of Lake Bracciano.


    • Dress in weather-appropriate clothing.
    • Wear flat comfortable walking shoes.

    Cose da sapere:

    Note: Any food allergies must be noted when booking the tour. Coaches do not have a lift and entering and exiting must be done via stairs. This tour includes approximately 1.5 hours of walking and standing over even, and uneven surfaces mainly at the guest's discretion. It is available to guests who utilize a collapsible wheelchair and can make their way on and off the coach approximately 3 steps, they must have an able companion to assist them. Those guests with mobility concerns are cautioned to evaluate their personal level of ability and stamina. Casual, weather-appropriate clothing and comfortable, flat walking shoes are suggested
    • Adult from: 155,79 EUR
    • Child from: 155,79 EUR
    DURATA 5 ore e 3/4
    • Pasto
    • Accessibilità
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    A Taste Of The Enchanting Tuscia

    Roma (Civitavecchia), Italia

    Durata 6 ore

    Enjoy a farm-to-table lunch at a country estate after an enlightening walk through Tarquinia, an enchanting village within Tuscia, the province more commonly known as Viterbo. As you meander through the winding streets of the village, you will get a great sense of history as this area was once the stronghold of the Etruscans. Known for its ancient necropolis and medieval architecture such as the palazzo that now holds the Etruscan National Museum, hilltop Tarquinia also offers extraordinary views of the Tyrrhenian Sea. The panoramas from the nearby estate Casale Poggio Nebbia will be just as magnificent. It too perches on a hill with sweeping views of the sea. The restaurant at this working farm serves organic dishes prepared according to family recipes handed down from generation to generation. The courses will be thoughtfully paired with local wines, so you will come away with a deeper understanding of the province’s simple, yet wonderfully distinctive cuisine.

    • Discover the charms of Tuscia, a picturesque province better known as Viterbo.
    • Walk through the medieval town of Tarquinia and take in the sweeping views.
    • Dine on a farm-to-table meal prepared with organic ingredients grown on the property.

    • Dress in weather-appropriate clothing.
    • Wear flat comfortable walking shoes.

    Cose da sapere:

    Note: This tour includes approximately 1 hour of walking over some cobblestones and steps plus any additional walking at the guests' discretion during free time. It is not recommended for guests who utilize a wheelchair. Those guests with mobility concerns are cautioned to evaluate their personal level of ability and stamina.
    • Adult from: 137,35 EUR
    • Child from: 137,35 EUR
    DURATA 6 ore
    • Pasto
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    Rome, Spanish Steps & St. Peter's Basilica

    Roma (Civitavecchia), Italia

    Durata 10 ore


    See icons that define Rome during several transformative time periods and come away with a deeper understanding of Italy's capital. The Spanish Steps and Trevi Fountain beautifully represent the Baroque era. If you toss a coin in the fountain - ensuring a return to Rome according to legend - it will be collected later that day and donated to charity. Standing on the terrace overlooking the Roman Forum will offer a perspective of ancient times as this public space was used for events ranging from religious ceremonies to secular spectacles. Similarly, an outside look at the massive Colosseum will add insight, especially through the guide's enlightening commentary. The amphitheater held as many as 50,000 spectators that come to watch everything from gladiatorial games to public executions. After you behold the Renaissance treasure St. Peter's Basilica in Vatican City from the square out front, you will enjoy free time for shopping and independent exploration.


    • Climb the iconic Spanish Steps and drop a coin in the Trevi Fountain if you wish.
    • Behold the famed Roman Forum from the terrace overlooking it.
    • Enjoy outside visits of the Colosseum and St. Peter’s Basilica as the guide describes them.
    • Spend free time shopping or further exploring landmarks that you find most interesting.


    • Dress in weather-appropriate clothing.
    • Wear flat comfortable walking shoes.

    Cose da sapere:

    Note: Tour requires considerable walking and negotiating cobblestone streets, uneven terrain and stairs. If you plan to visit religious sites during free time, please dress appropriately – no bare shoulders, shorts or skirts above the knee. Large bags or backpacks aren’t permitted in St. Peter’s Basilica. Your guide will join you in Rome, however, you will have an escort with you throughout the day. Offered on all Norwegian Spirit sailings and on Norwegian Epic round-trip Barcelona sailings only.
    • Adult from: 284,85 EUR
    • Child from: 220,32 EUR
    DURATA 10 ore
    • Pasto
    Lingue disponibili:

Please note: The information in this document was current at time of printing. Tour descriptions and prices vary by ship and sailing date and are subject to change without notice. Log into My NCL for the applicable information specific to your cruise.

Printed on Saturday, June 15, 2024 at 10:40pm