Informações sobre a excursão em terra

Castelo de Blarney & visita à Cork

Cork (Cobh), Irlanda

Castelo de Blarney & visita à Cork


  • 4
    h Duração estimada
  • Lanche

Enjoy a visit to legendary Blarney Castle and an introduction to Cork, Ireland’s second city - or the real capital of Ireland as the locals like to call it! Drive to the little village of Blarney, lying in the shadow of Blarney Castle. It has remained one of the most legendary places in Ireland, nestled in breathtaking scenery and rich in folklore and legend. Enjoy your visit to the castle and if you feel adventurous, during your free time, you may try to kiss the renowned Blarney Stone. Those who do so, are said to be gifted the power of eloquence.

Or instead, you can enjoy a walk through the gardens. Blarney is also home to Blarney Woollen Mills, one of the finest craft and gift centers in Ireland. Enjoy an Irish Coffee here and browse through the wide range of Irish clothing, crystal, linen and handicrafts.

A panoramic tour introduces you to Cork. The River Lee flows through the city, connected by many bridges, that gives the city its distinctively continental air. It’s a University City with a unique character, a city of jazz, film, opera and theatre. However, it manages to retain the charm and friendliness of a country town. See the spires of St Fin Barre’s Cathedral, the Old Courthouse, City Hall and the renowned Bells of Shandon.

Need to Know:

Note: Should you choose to kiss the Blarney Stone during free time, please note that the 110 steps leading to the Blarney Stone are narrow and steep; non-slip footwear is essential. Expect long waiting times.

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Tipo de excursão:

Passeios panorâmicos & pela cidade
Marcos históricos

Nível de atividade:

Título da imagem
  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
Passeios com esse nível de atividade envolvem quantidade considerável de atividade física, como andar bastante em ruas de pedras, terro íngreme ou irregular, subir escadas ou ficar em pé por períodos prolongados. Não recomendado para hóspedes com limitações físicas. Recomendam-se sapatos confortáveis e resistentes.
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