Informações sobre a excursão em terra

Puerto Vallarta City Sights

Puerto Vallarta, México

Puerto Vallarta City Sights


  • 4
    h Duração estimada

Experience Puerto Vallarta in all its glory. Travel along the main highway to Old Town, along the city’s cobblestone streets for a stop at City Hall and the Cathedral of the Lady of Guadalupe. Pass the elegant area of Conchas Chinas on your way to the southern end of town. Finally, stop at a charming restaurant for a complimentary beverage before heading to Old Town for some shopping. You’ll be assigned a time to rejoin your coach for the return trip to your ship. You may choose to stay in town on your own or return to your ship.

Need to Know:

Note: Short pants are not permitted in the cathedral.

Veja os


Tipo de excursão:

Passeios panorâmicos & pela cidade

Nível de atividade:

Título da imagem
  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
Tours with this activity level involve walking over relatively level terrain, possibly some cobblestone, gravel, or a few steps. Comfortable shoes are recommended.
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(11) 3177 3131 / 0800 773 7203