Informações sobre a excursão em terra

Fiesta Latina

San Juan, Porto Rico

Fiesta Latina


  • 11/2
    h Duração estimada

Watch an entertaining folkloric performance of music and dance that reflects the very best of Puerto Rico and other Latin American countries.

After departing from the pier, you will soon arrive at a popular venue for a folkloric performance that will highlight the traditional songs and dances of Puerto Rico. You can expect it to be an immensely entertaining, high-energy show.

After settling into your seat, the spectacle will begin with gusto. You will instantly recognize rhythms from other parts of the world that have influenced Puerto Rican music and dance. Many of the steps and sounds originated in Cuba, Brazil, the Dominican Republic and other Latin American countries.

You may notice African beats and a passion typically associated with Spain’s flamenco. The dancers will perform the mambo, which was invented in Havana in the 1930s, and the samba, a dance style from West Africa.

You will also enjoy parts of the show dedicated to La Plena, a genre of music and dance indigenous to Puerto Rico. Tambourines are the principal instruments in La Plena, although other instruments such as congas, trombones and guitars are often played.

In this folkloric show, the featured guitarist will be Juan Carlos, an entertainer that has traveled the world playing flamenco and singing in his distinct baritone voice.

Need to Know:

Note: All ages are welcome to experience the show. To sample Sangria, participants must be 18 years old. Guests who go ashore do so with the understanding that they will be mixing with members of the general public.

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Tipo de excursão:

Nível de atividade:

Título da imagem
  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
Tours with this activity level involve walking over relatively level terrain, possibly some cobblestone, gravel, or a few steps. Comfortable shoes are recommended.
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