Détails des excursions à terre

Scenic Split by Tuk-Tuk

Split, Croatie

Scenic Split by Tuk-Tuk


  • 21/4
    h Estimate Duration

Drive in and around Split in a motorized, open-air vehicle known as a tuk-tuk and see the most naturally beautiful and historically important attractions. Although first colonized by Greeks, this area wasn’t developed until Roman Emperor Diocletian built a magnificent seaside palace in the early 4th century. As you will discover, this UNESCO World Heritage site is an architectural treasure. Nearby Bacvice Beach will offer another perspective of Split’s gorgeous coast. Chances are, you will see people playing picigin, a ball game played in shallow water that originated at this very beach in 1908. Sustipan Park is another popular gathering place because it is so green and serene. Be sure to see the columned stone gloriette that honors those that were buried at Sustipan when it was a cemetery. The ultimate view of Split awaits you at the top of Teraca Vidilica, a terraced lookout that you may explore on your own during free time.

• Ride around Split in a tuk-tuk, a motorized vehicle that looks somewhat like a golf cart.
• Explore Diocletian’s Palace, a UNESCO World Heritage site built in the 4th century.
• Pause for photos at Bacvice Beach and Sustipan Park, two popular gathering places.
• Enjoy a sweeping view of Split for atop a lookout during free time.

• Dress in weather-appropriate clothing.
• Wear flat comfortable walking shoes.

Need to Know:

Note: This tour includes a minimum amount of walking mainly at the guest's discretion. It is available to guests who utilize a collapsible wheelchair, are able to both make their way on and off the tuk-tuks and have a companion to assist them. There is no space for storage of the wheelchairs on the tuk-tuks. Each tuk-tuk will accommodate up to 4 guests and you will be required to share with other guests. Those guests with mobility concerns are cautioned to evaluate their personal level of ability and stamina. Casual, weather-appropriate clothing and comfortable, flat walking shoes are suggested.

Check Out the


Type d'excursion :

Visites de villes et panorama

Niveau d'activité :

Titre de l'image
  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
Tours with this activity level involve walking over relatively level terrain, possibly some cobblestone, gravel, or a few steps. Comfortable shoes are recommended.
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