Mobile App

Inscreva-se para receber as melhores ofertas de cruzeiro!

Get the most out of your vacation with Norwegian Cruise Line's all-new, easy-to-use app. Take full advantage of our wide variety of dining, entertainment, excursions and more with simple bookings and easy online check-in. View your entire cruise, including your detailed daily schedule and reservations, onboard events, purchase history and more. And the app is totally free - you don't have to use any of your Wi-Fi minutes on board! You'll never miss a moment with the NCL app.


New Norwegian Cruiseline App

The all-new NCL app is so easy to use. Make onboard reservations, book shore excursions, view your itinerary and more. No Wi-Fi minutes required!

• Easy online check-in.

• Reservations & detailed information: Book dining, excursions, entertainment & more.

• View your up-to-date itinerary and schedule.

• See payments, credits and promotions all in one place.

• No Wi-Fi minutes required!

• Personalized home page displays reservation & stateroom number.


Before Your Cruise

Before Your Cruise:

• Easy & quick online check-in & document uploads.

• Make reservations.

• View purchases, credits, & more.

Durante seu cruzeiro

During Your Cruise:

• View ship itinerary & your personalized schedule.

• Explore & book shore excursions.

• Make dining & entertainment reservations.

• See daily onboard newsletter.

Mobile AppPerguntas frequentes

Escolha seu tópico abaixo

How do I download the app?

Download the Norwegian Cruise Line app for free on the Apple App Store or the Google Play Store.

Can I use the old NCL App?

No - the old app (called "Cruise Norwegian") will not be available anymore. Be sure to download the new "Norwegian Cruise Line" app.

Eu preciso de minutos de Wi-Fi para usar o aplicativo a bordo?

Não! O aplicativo usa nosso Wi-Fi a bordo e os minutos de Wi-Fi pessoais não são gastos ou utilizados ao usar o aplicativo a bordo.

How do I connect to the app on board or download it if I haven't already?

To download and connect to the app while on board:

1. Turn your phone to “airplane mode” or turn off cellular data to avoid roaming charges (enable Wi-Fi only).

2. Connect to the ship’s Wi-Fi:

3. Select "Download Norwegian Cruise Line App" and download the app from your app store.

4. Open the new app and sign in using your last name, date of birth and reservation or stateroom number.

Como posso ver quais eventos estão acontecendo a bordo?

Um dos melhores recursos do novo aplicativo é que você pode ver uma versão digital do boletim diário de bordo em qualquer lugar. Isso inclui notícias diárias, eventos e muito mais, com atualizações todas as manhãs.

Com quem falo se tiver uma dúvida ou dificuldade com o aplicativo móvel?

Se você estiver tendo problemas com nosso aplicativo móvel enquanto estiver a bordo, entre em contato com o gerente do cyber café para obter ajuda.