Détails des excursions à terre

Battle Of Okinawa

Naha (Okinawa), Japon

Battle Of Okinawa


  • 43/4
    h Estimate Duration


Visit Okinawa's historic battlefield sites and monuments dedicated to the Battle of Okinawa in this touching and historical tour. Travel towards the southeast corner of Okinawa, passing by several residential and commercial areas. Stop for a visit at the Former Japanese Navy Underground Headquarters, located where Rear Admiral Ota and his men desperately fought to the end on June 13, 1945. Walk down the 101 steps into the narrow tunnels of the headquarters to see the commanding officer's room, staff room, generator rooms and more, giving you unique insight into the experiences the soldiers and officers had inside the headquarters. Your scenic drive takes you pass lush green fields and beautiful countryside en route to the Peace Memorial Park, where you will have the opportunity see the numerous stone memorials that are dedicated to those who lost their lives in the Battle of Okinawa. Not far from here you’ll find the Himeyuri Monument, built in memory of the female high school students and teachers who gave their lives working under deplorable conditions, tending the injured in makeshift hospitals during the war.


• Dress in weather-appropriate clothing.
• Wear flat comfortable walking shoes.

Need to Know:

Note: This tour includes nearly 3-hours of walking/standing and approximately 105 steps and narrow passages to negotiate at the Navy Underground Headquarters. To wear low-heeled, comfortable walking shoes. Please note heavy traffic jam will be expected in the school trip season. We suggest that you bring local currency for any purchases.

Check Out the


Type d'excursion :

Visites de villes et panorama
Sites historiques

Niveau d'activité :

Titre de l'image
  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
Les visites avec ce niveau d'activité exigent de devoir pratiquer une activité physique importante : marches importantes dans des rues pavées, sur des terrains abrupts ou accidentés, grimper des escaliers, ou être longtemps debout. Ce niveau est déconseillé aux voyageurs n'ayant pas une bonne condition physique. Des chaussures confortables et résistantes sont recommandées.
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0805 371 622