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Blog oficial de viagem da Norwegian

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Cruising to Southeast Asia: Exploring Bangkok with Norwegian

Whether you're visiting Bangkok for the first time or you've been lucky enough to have visited this magnificent city before, you'll discover a number of must-see attractions and activities to do when you're exploring Bangkok on an Asia cruise with Norwegian. The 13-Day Asia Cruise from Singapore itinerary offers an overnight stay in this most alluring of world cities. You can maximize your time in port by exploring on your own terms. Visit a temple, tour a market, or make your way down a river. The choice is entirely up to you.

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Cidade de Kagoshima, Japão

A Ásia está em sua lista de lugares imperdíveis? Faça com que 2025 seja o ano de sua visita a esse continente magnífico. Um cruzeiro para a Ásia a bordo da Norwegian Cruise Line permite que você visite vários países em uma única viagem. Esteja você querendo relaxar em ilhas idílicas, deliciar-se com novos sabores ou mergulhar em séculos de história da região, você pode planejar suas férias de cruzeiro perfeitas na Ásia com a Norwegian. Saiba mais sobre os diferentes lugares que você pode visitar ao reservar um cruzeiro para a Ásia com a Norwegian em 2025.

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Norwegian Jewel com a paisagem de Tóquio ao fundo

Você está planejando um cruzeiro para Tóquio, Japão, mas não sabe o que fazer lá? Felizmente, a Norwegian Cruise Line deseja ajudar você a aproveitar suas férias ao máximo, então criamos esta lista útil das melhores coisas para fazer em Tóquio.

Tóquio é um centro de arranha-céus modernos e vida noturna agitada, com muitas oportunidades para conhecer a história antiga e as amenidades contemporâneas dessa cidade deslumbrante. Esteja você querendo relaxar em um onsen, visitar o Palácio Imperial ou mergulhar em uma experiência gastronômica única desfrutando a culinária global de dar água na boca, há muitas coisas para deixar qualquer aventureiro feliz. Continue lendo para conhecer algumas das melhores coisas para fazer antes ou depois de suas férias de cruzeiro em Tóquio, Japão.

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Norwegian Sun em Singapura

Asia is a continent with rich cultures and breathtaking landscapes. With so much to see and do, choosing a destination can be a daunting task. Fortunately, Norwegian makes it easy for you. Set sail on a voyage of discovery and immerse yourself in a tapestry of Asian experiences. Whether venturing to Asia for the first time or returning to beloved locales, taking a Norwegian cruise to Asia is an incredible way to explore this enchanting continent.

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Monte Fuji

Narrowing down where to go in Asia can be challenging, especially with so many epic countries and destinations waiting for you. Fortunately, Norwegian makes it easy! Book a cruise vacation and explore multiple exciting destinations in Asia. If you've been dreaming about visiting Asia for the first time or missing your favorite cities over the last few years, now is the time to book a 2023 Asia cruise with Norwegian.

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No matter whether you're hoping for a quick weekend winter getaway or a more extended warm-weather escape, Norwegian Cruise Line has you covered. If you're after warm water destinations, consider a cruise to the Bahamas or The Caribbean. Or, go all out with a cruise to the South Pacific that includes several stops in the Hawaiian islands. If you're interested in exploring new cities, pack your winter coat and head to Northern Europe or East Asia. No matter which 2022 winter cruise you choose, you'll make memories that will last a lifetime. Explore this sample of some extraordinary 2022 winter cruises on Norwegian to get your cruise planning started.

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2022 Cruises from Seattle with Norwegian

What if there was a place where you could enjoy world-class urban attractions coupled with incredible outdoor activities? Well, Seattle, Washington, boasts all that and more. From the spectacular Seattle Center to the incredible water, mountains, and evergreen forests that surround the city, cruises from Seattle offer something for everyone to enjoy.

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Cruise to Bali, Indonesia - Things to Do - Norwegian

When it comes to top cruise destinations, it's tough to beat Bali, Indonesia. From volcanic mountains and white-sand beaches to ancient temples and cultural sites, Bali offers something for everyone. Norwegian Cruise Line makes it easy to discover the best of this exquisite island paradise on an exciting cruise to Bali with port stops in exotic locations that look like they’ve been plucked out of a dream. Book your trip of a lifetime, then check out the following four things to do in Bali on your Norwegian cruise vacation.

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2021 & 2022 Asia Cruises with Norwegian

Taking a cruise vacation to Asia is one of the best ways to explore the area. You can enjoy scenic waterways and cityscape views you don't get to see when you fly into a destination and explore by land. Norwegian Cruise Line offers some attractive itinerary options in its lineup of 2021 & 2022 Asia cruises. You can choose a journey that primarily includes ports of call within Asia or mix things up with itineraries that include other destinations, like cruises that start in Dubai or end in Australia.

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9 ilhas dos sonhos para visitar em suas próximas férias de cruzeiro

Com os itinerários da Norwegian Cruise Line, você tem uma grande variedade de ilhas para visitar em suas próximas férias de cruzeiro. Procurando um passeio rápido no Caribe, um safári africano ou uma aventura exótica no leste da Ásia? A Norwegian Cruise Line tem tudo que você precisa, com vários itinerários empolgantes que incluem diversos portos de ilha. To get your wanderlust started, here are nine dreamy islands you can visit on your Freestyle Vacation®.

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Japan Cruise Ports to Explore with Norwegian

If you’re looking through Norwegian’s Asia cruises, you'll find no shortage of beautiful and exotic ports, many of which are in Japan. In fact, you can even book a cruise that primarily explores some of Japan's most iconic destinations. One option is a 13-day cruise from Yokohama. If you're planning a cruise to Japan, here's a look at 11 incredible ports in Japan you can't miss. 

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5 Packing Tips for a Port Stop in Egypt

If you're considering a cruise with a port stop in Egypt (such as Norwegian's Africa cruises, Asia cruises, and Europe cruises), it's important to ensure that you pack the proper attire, especially if you plan to visit any mosques. Norwegian Cruise Line itineraries that stop in Egypt also stop in other Muslim countries that have similar dress codes. You'll want options that can be worn in multiple destinations.

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Destinos de cruzeiros exóticos a serem considerados para 2020

Grab your friends and family and get ready to cruise to faraway places such as Madagascar, South Africa, Israel, Turkey, and Asia. Norwegian Cruise Line is already looking ahead to the exciting 2020 cruise season. No matter where you want to spend your vacation time, chances are Norwegian Cruise Line has a cruise for that. Take a look at the exotic 2020 cruise season.

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Cruzeiros épicos para adicionar à sua lista de coisas imprescindíveis a fazer

Bucket lists have been popular for decades, and cruises are among the most frequently included items for people of all ages.  Not only do they allow you to spend time on the open seas, but they also pack in multiple destinations with more convenience and an affordable yet luxurious experience. While all cruises make for amazing vacations and bucket list items, these are some of the most epic once-in-a-lifetime cruises to add to your bucket list.

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