
Shore Excursions (8)

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    Volcano National Park & Black Sand Beach

    Kona, Hawaii

    Duration 8 1/2 hrs

    Explore some of the Big Island’s most dramatic landscapes and come away with a deep appreciation of its volcanic formation. ...
    Explore some of the Big Island’s most dramatic landscapes and come away with a deep appreciation of its volcanic formation. more...


    Explore some of the Big Island’s most dramatic landscapes and come away with a deep appreciation of its volcanic formation. After pausing at America’s southernmost bake shop, where you might try a mango malasada treat, you will travel to the Punalu’u Black Sand Beach. The jet-black sand is made of volcanic materials and lava fragments and is quite the sight, especially if you spot a green sea turtle basking on the beach. Symbols of wisdom and good luck, they are the only sea turtles known to sunbathe. The wonders of the Hawaii Volcanoes National Park will be even more extraordinary. The terrain and natural diversity there are so unique that UNESCO deemed the park both a World Biosphere site and a World Heritage site. You will see volcanic craters, the active volcano Kilauea and hot water vapor rising from countless steam vents. Rainbow Falls is yet another captivating natural wonder.


    • Admire the volcanically formed black sand beach at Punalu’u and perhaps see a green sea turtle.
    • Drive through stunning Hawaii Volcanoes National Park, a UNESCO World Heritage site.
    • View an active volcano, craters and steam vents releasing hot water vapor into the air.
    • Enjoy the ultimate view of Rainbow Falls as it plummets 80 feet into the pool below.


    • Dress in weather-appropriate clothing.
    • Wear flat comfortable walking shoes.

    • Adult from: C502.86 CAD
    • Child from: C407.47 CAD
    DURATION 8 1/2 hrs
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    Premier Catamaran Sail & Snorkel

    Kona, Hawaii

    Duration 3 1/2 hrs

    Sail on a sleek catamaran to beautiful Kealakekua Bay and snorkel its sheltered waters, which are teeming with colorful marine life. ...
    Sail on a sleek catamaran to beautiful Kealakekua Bay and snorkel its sheltered waters, which are teeming with colorful marine life. more...

    Sail on a sleek catamaran to beautiful Kealakekua Bay and snorkel its sheltered waters, which are teeming with colorful marine life. The bay lies off the western shore and holds the Big Island’s only underwater state park, a marine sanctuary renowned for the clarity of its waters. The cruise will be immensely pleasurable as the 50-foot catamaran offers plenty of room to stretch out in the sun and relax in the shaded but open-air cabin. On the way, you will dine on classic Hawaiian cuisine and hear about the island’s history, especially while passing the spot where legendary British explorer Captain James Cook was killed in 1779. Still, the underwater wonders are the star attractions, including marine life found nowhere else in Hawaii such as lizardfish and flame angelfish, a flashy species often seen grazing on coral reef algae. Feel free to enjoy the open bar on the return cruise.


    • Cruise to Kealakekua Bay on a 50-foot catamaran with spacious sunny and shaded areas.
    • Snorkel the bay’s crystal-clear waters, which are teeming with brightly colored marine life.
    • Look for species of fish not found anywhere else in Hawaii.
    • Enjoy a lunch of traditional Hawaiian dishes and an open bar onboard.


    • Dress in weather-appropriate clothing with a swimsuit underneath.
      • Bring a towel and reef safe sunscreen.
      • Wear flat comfortable walking shoes.

    • Adult from: C475.61 CAD
    • Child from: C407.47 CAD
    DURATION 3 1/2 hrs
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    Historic Kings Trail To North Kohala

    Kona, Hawaii

    Duration 6 1/2 hrs

    Discover the lasting influence of King Kamehameha by exploring sites that were of great importance when he ruled Hawaii. Kamehameha is revered for uniting the Hawaiian Islands into one kingdom in 1810. ...
    Discover the lasting influence of King Kamehameha by exploring sites that were of great importance when he ruled Hawaii. Kamehameha is revered for uniting the Hawaiian Islands into one kingdom in 1810. more...

    Discover the lasting influence of King Kamehameha by exploring sites that were of great importance when he ruled Hawaii. Kamehameha is revered for uniting the Hawaiian Islands into one kingdom in 1810. About a decade earlier, the volcano Hualalai erupted, leaving hardened lava in its wake. While walking atop this rugged landscape, you will see petroglyphs and ingenious fishponds that the early Hawaiians created. Not far off, you will find a lava-rock temple built in the 18th century to fulfill a prophecy that Kamehameha would unite the islands. It is known as House of the Whale for the humpbacks often spotted just offshore. Following a simple lunchbox style meal at a statue of Kamehameha that was erected near his birthplace in Kohala, you will be free to explore Hawi, an artistic community with all sorts of eclectic shops. You will also tour a macadamia factory and sample these iconic Hawaiian-grown nuts.


    • Follow in the footsteps of Kamehameha, the king that united the Hawaiian Islands.
    • Walk across hardened lava from a volcano that erupted in Kamehameha’s time.
    • See petroglyphs, ancient fish ponds and an 18th-century temple built with lava rocks.
    • Dine under a statue of Kamehameha near his birthplace in Kohala.
    • Spend free time in the artistic community of Hawi and tour a macadamia nut factory.


    • Dress in weather-appropriate clothing.
    • Wear long pants and closed-toe walking shoes.

    • Adult from: C407.47 CAD
    • Child from: C339.33 CAD
    DURATION 6 1/2 hrs
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    Captain Zodiac Raft & Snorkel Adventure

    Kona, Hawaii

    Duration 3 1/2 hrs

    Your adventure starts by viewing historical points of interest while off shore from the village of Kailua-Kona. While zipping down the coast on these fast and fun Zodiac Hurricanes, you may be able to stop to interact with dolphins and other marine life. ...
    Your adventure starts by viewing historical points of interest while off shore from the village of Kailua-Kona. While zipping down the coast on these fast and fun Zodiac Hurricanes, you may be able to stop to interact with dolphins and other marine life. more...

    Your adventure starts by viewing historical points of interest while off shore from the village of Kailua-Kona. While zipping down the coast on these fast and fun Zodiac Hurricanes, you may be able to stop to interact with marine life. There are 17 species of dolphins in Hawaii that may be seen on any given day. You may encounter the Hawaiian Spinner, Pacific Bottlenose or Spotted dolphins. As well as the seasonal Humpback whales that migrate yearly from Alaska (Jan-Apr), you may also find pilot whales, false killer whales and other rare, elusive whales that live here year-round. When you are in the Zodiac, you are just 2 feet above the water line, so you have a great vantage point from which to view the marine life.

    Your ultimate destination is Kealakekua Bay marine preserve, site of the Captain Cook monument. Kealakekua Bay is known around the world for its abundance of coral and tropical fish - over 220 varieties of marine life in total. You will spend 1 ½ hours snorkeling the crystal-clear turquoise waters of the bay. All the snorkel gear is provided, including masks (RX if needed), snorkels, fins, and flotation devices. Non-swimmers and first-time snorkelers will be provided with flotation devices and instruction. There is a 3-4 rung ladder that is lowered from the Zodiac and you must be able to get up the ladder and back into the raft on your own. There is no access to land on this tour, the Zodiac is your "island" where you can get in and out of the water as often as you like at the snorkel spot.

    While enjoying your tropical snacks and refreshments, you’ll hear all about the history of the bay and the story of Captain Cook. You will get up close to explore the rugged coastline and see natural blowholes, exposed giant lava tubes and your Zodiac will poke its' nose into sea caves. See beautiful colors and striations of the lava up close. Your captain is a naturalist, geologist, historian and some like to think that they are comedians. It is guaranteed that you'll be laughing from the minute you step off the dock into the Zodiac.

    • Adult from: C271.19 CAD
    • Child from: C203.05 CAD
    DURATION 3 1/2 hrs
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    Ultimate Cap'n Cook Snorkel & Coffee

    Kona, Hawaii

    Duration 7 1/4 hrs

    Discover the Hawaii that British explorer Captain James Cook knew when he arrived in 1778, much of it in the shadow of Mauna Loa volcano. While touring the appropriately named Bay View Farm, which offers a beautiful view of Kealakekua Bay, you will see how the farm grows, harvests, and roasts Kona coffee beans. ...
    Discover the Hawaii that British explorer Captain James Cook knew when he arrived in 1778, much of it in the shadow of Mauna Loa volcano. While touring the appropriately named Bay View Farm, which offers a beautiful view of Kealakekua Bay, you will see how the farm grows, harvests, and roasts Kona coffee beans. more...

    Discover the Hawaii that British explorer Captain James Cook knew when he arrived in 1778, much of it in the shadow of Mauna Loa volcano. While touring the appropriately named Bay View Farm, which offers a beautiful view of Kealakekua Bay, you will see how the farm grows, harvests, and roasts Kona coffee beans. A sampling will confirm why the coffee that flourishes in the rich volcanic soil is so revered. Nearby stands Pu’uhonua, a spiritual site where criminals once sought refuge and absolution from Hawaiian priests. While browsing the grounds, you will see temple platforms and the remains of other structures that were intact in Captain Cook’s time. A high-speed Zodiac-style raft will bring you to an obelisk marking the spot where Cook was killed following a dispute with the Hawaiians that lived on the bay. Feel free to swim and snorkel in the crystal-clear waters.


    • See areas of significance to Captain James Cook when he explored Hawaii in the late 1700s.
    • Swim and snorkel in Kealakekua Bay, where Cook anchored his ship while exploring.
    • View the obelisk memorial that marks the spot on the bay where Cook was murdered.
    • See how Kona coffee is grown and processed at a hillside plantation above the bay.


    • Dress in weather-appropriate clothing.
    • Wear comfortable walking shoes.

    • Adult from: C543.75 CAD
    • Child from: C502.86 CAD
    DURATION 7 1/4 hrs
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    Secret Waterfalls of Kohala

    Kona, Hawaii

    Duration 6 hrs

    North Kohala is home to some of the most spectacular scenery in Hawaii – rushing streams, sparkling waterfalls, abundant tropical foliage and rugged sea cliffs. Immerse yourself in its deep green lushness and explore its rich natural and cultural heritage. ...
    North Kohala is home to some of the most spectacular scenery in Hawaii – rushing streams, sparkling waterfalls, abundant tropical foliage and rugged sea cliffs. Immerse yourself in its deep green lushness and explore its rich natural and cultural heritage. more...

    North Kohala is home to some of the most spectacular scenery in Hawaii – rushing streams, sparkling waterfalls, abundant tropical foliage and rugged sea cliffs. Immerse yourself in its deep green lushness and explore its rich natural and cultural heritage. A scenic drive to the remote north end of the island is accompanied by informative narration. Passing through a locked gate onto a private nature preserve, you'll then travel off-road for a short adventure to the trailhead.

    An interpretive guide leads the way on the mile and a half trail. Along with an abundance of waterfalls, the route will take you across three bridges, along two idyllic streams, and past traditional Hawaiian taro terraces and irrigation flumes. Refresh yourself in a cool mountain stream with cascades tumbling overhead, or simply relax trailside. A picnic lunch is provided.

    • Adult from: C393.84 CAD
    • Child from: C366.59 CAD
    DURATION 6 hrs
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    Zodiac Whale Watch

    Kona, Hawaii

    Duration 3 hrs

    Zodiac Whale Watching is the best way to see the migrating humpback whales. Depart the tender pier to search out these gentle giants who come to Hawaii to mate and give birth. ...
    Zodiac Whale Watching is the best way to see the migrating humpback whales. Depart the tender pier to search out these gentle giants who come to Hawaii to mate and give birth. more...

    Zodiac Whale Watching is the best way to see the migrating humpback whales. Depart the tender pier to search out these gentle giants who come to Hawaii to mate and give birth. We are never sure where they are going to surface but the hurricane rafts are fast, getting you to the action quickly. We often see multiple whale pods on each trip. Naturalist guides will tell you about the humpback whale migration pattern and behavior and drop a hydrophone to listen to a whale song! Zodiac rafts accommodate small groups, so everyone gets a front row seat. Soft drinks and snacks are included.

    This is a seasonal tour available from January – March.

    • Adult from: C216.68 CAD
    • Child from: C134.91 CAD
    DURATION 3 hrs
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    Atlantis Submarine

    Kona, Hawaii

    Duration 1 1/4 hrs

    Submerge yourself in a magnificent underwater world aboard an Atlantis Submarine. Investigate the coral reef through your personal viewport and come face-to-face with exotic tropical fish and other marine life. ...
    Submerge yourself in a magnificent underwater world aboard an Atlantis Submarine. Investigate the coral reef through your personal viewport and come face-to-face with exotic tropical fish and other marine life. more...

    Submerge yourself in a magnificent underwater world aboard an Atlantis Submarine. Investigate the reef through your personal viewport and come face-to-face with masses of exotic tropical fish and other marine creatures amidst colorful coral gardens.

    Your adventure begins with a short boat ride along the scenic coast to the boarding dock, where you'll transfer to the submarine to begin your undersea adventure. Atlantis operates the world's most technologically advanced passenger submarines, with spacious air-conditioned interiors, large viewports and comfortable seating.

    In crystal clear waters, you will descend 100 feet to explore 25 acres of coral gardens and their inhabitants. The reef was formed on lava that flowed into the ocean 18,000 years ago. Inhabited by hundreds of species of tropical fish, coral and other sea life, it’s a popular site to see Hawaii's marine life.

    • Adult from: C339.33 CAD
    • Child from: C203.05 CAD
    DURATION 1 1/4 hrs
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*Prices vary by ship and sail date. See Terms & Conditions

NCL makes arrangements for Guests for shore excursions solely for the convenience of the Guest; NCL does not act on behalf of or supervise the parties or persons who own, furnish, or operate such excursions, and the same are provided by independent contractors. NCL assumes no responsibility for, nor guarantees the performance of, any such excursion provider, and Guests acknowledge that NCL shall not be liable for losses or injuries arising from the acts or omissions of such provider.

Participation in activities and excursions may involve physical exertion, and may be potentially hazardous or dangerous. It is the responsibility of each individual to determine whether you are capable of engaging in any activity. Participation in any activity or excursion is at your own risk.

Photographs are for illustration purposes only used to represent the excursion experience and may not accurately depict the excursion, location, or activity indicated.

Our group shore excursions are offered in English. Depending on the booking situation, various excursions are also offered in German, Spanish, French, Italian or Russian (minimum number of 30 participants). The tours offered may vary from cruise to cruise. Please see the detailed information for your shore excursion on board.