
Excursions terrestres (21)

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    The Golden Circle

    Reykjavik, Islande

    Durée : 8 h

    Venture into the beautiful Thingvellir national park - a UNESCO World Heritage Site only about 30 miles from Reykjavik, and ranking at the top of Iceland’s attractions. ...
    Venture into the beautiful Thingvellir national park - a UNESCO World Heritage Site only about 30 miles from Reykjavik, and ranking at the top of Iceland’s attractions. plus...

    Venture into the beautiful Thingvellir national park - a UNESCO World Heritage Site only about 30 miles from Reykjavik, and ranking at the top of Iceland’s attractions. This national park offers outstanding sceneries of mountains surrounding a vast lava plain covered in green moss and wild flowers. Head to the Geyser area where you’ll see hissing springs, bubbling pools and other geothermal phenomena. Lunch will be served nearby, amongst these scenic surroundings.

    Another highlight of your day is the Gullfoss waterfall. The ‘Golden Waterfall’ is the most famous of the country’s many waterfalls. Here, the river Hvita drops 96 feet in two falls, creating an awesome spectacle. Being located on an old magma chamber, Hveragerdi is notorious not only for its abundance of hot springs, which heat the community’s greenhouse industry, but also for its earthquakes.

    • Adult from: C407.47 CAD
    • Child from: C271.19 CAD
    DURÉE 8 h
    Langues disponibles :
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    Scenic Reykjavik

    Reykjavik, Islande

    Durée : 2 h 1/2

    A scenic drive takes you through Laugardalur (“Warm Water Valley”) passing the city’s main sports and recreation area as well as one of the most popular outdoor geothermal swimming pools. ...
    A scenic drive takes you through Laugardalur (“Warm Water Valley”) passing the city’s main sports and recreation area as well as one of the most popular outdoor geothermal swimming pools. plus...

    A scenic drive takes you through Laugardalur (“Warm Water Valley”) passing the city’s main sports and recreation area as well as one of the most popular outdoor geothermal swimming pools. The road leads you past the open-air museum at Árbær, a regional museum where old houses of historical value have been preserved.

    Next, cross the Ellidaar River, one of the world’s cleanest salmon rivers known to flow through a capital city. Eventually you’ll reach Alftanes peninsula where the President’s residence is located. The view from the peninsula over Reykjavik is excellent.

    Returning to the city’s hustle and bustle you’ll drive to Perlan, The Pearl. Perlan has a viewing deck that offers great panoramic views over Reykjavik, making this a perfect photo stop.

    From one famous landmark to the next, you’ll head towards Hallgrimskirkja, the church that dominates the city skyline with its imposing tower. Then drive through the charming old quarter of Reykjavik with its colorful wooden houses and narrow streets, past the University of Iceland complex and along the city pond, Tjornin, with its rich birdlife. Reaching the old harbor, you’ll have a quick photo stop. Following the coastline, you’ll get to Hofdi house, where the summit meeting between President Ronald Reagan and Secretary General Mikhail Gorbachev was held in 1986.

    • Adult from: C175.80 CAD
    • Child from: C94.03 CAD
    DURÉE 2 h 1/2
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    Discover The Land Of Lava

    Reykjavik, Islande

    Durée : 6 h 1/2

    Enjoy an enlightening overview of Reykjavik while driving through downtown before turning your attention to how volcanoes have impacted local life. ...
    Enjoy an enlightening overview of Reykjavik while driving through downtown before turning your attention to how volcanoes have impacted local life. plus...


    Enjoy an enlightening overview of Reykjavik while driving through downtown before turning your attention to how volcanoes have impacted local life. You will pass landmarks such as the elegant Parliament House, majestic Hallgrimskirkja Church and the house where Ronald Reagan and Mikhail Gorbachev famously held a summit regarding nuclear disarmament. Southwest of town on the Reykjanes peninsula, you will find the Krysuvik Geothermal Area, an otherworldly landscape of bubbling mud pools and hissing steam vents. As spectacular as these geothermal sights are, few experiences can rival seeing Raufarhólshellir, a lengthy lava tube that a volcanic eruption created 5,200 years ago. It will be eye-opening to understand the power of volcanoes and how they can dramatically change the landscape. You will enjoy a more entertaining look at these natural phenomena at the world’s only live lava show. You will sit so close to real molten lava that you can hear it sizzling and feel its intense heat.


    • Pass many of Reykjavik’s most representative landmarks while driving through the capital.
    • Behold boiling mud pools and hissing steam vents at the Krysuvik Geothermal Area.
    • View a long lava tube that a volcanic eruption created millennia ago.
    • Watch a dramatic performance of the world’s only live lava show.


    • Dress in weather-appropriate clothing.
    • Wear flat comfortable walking shoes.

    • Adult from: C584.63 CAD
    • Child from: C530.12 CAD
    DURÉE 6 h 1/2
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    Mount Ulfarsfell Hiking

    Reykjavik, Islande

    Durée : 3 h 1/2

    Follow a guide along a winding, immensely picturesque trail that leads to the top of Úlfarsfell, a smallish mountain that lies due east of Reykjavik. ...
    Follow a guide along a winding, immensely picturesque trail that leads to the top of Úlfarsfell, a smallish mountain that lies due east of Reykjavik. plus...


    Follow a guide along a winding, immensely picturesque trail that leads to the top of Úlfarsfell, a smallish mountain that lies due east of Reykjavik. Although several trails crisscross the slopes, you will hike one of medium difficulty that covers just over two miles. Along the way, you will make stops to rest, gaze out over the gorgeous scenery and listen to the guide’s enlightening commentary. The higher you ascend, the more spectacular the views. You will see a sister mountain to the north, Faxaflói Bay to the west and the Reykanes peninsula stretching out to the south. If it is a clear day, you can spot glacier-capped Snæfellsjokull volcano in the distance. Being so close to Reykjavik, Mount Úlarsfell is a popular hike and you will likely encounter quite a few other people on the trail. If you see purple-tufted wildflowers along the trail, they are probably arctic lupines.


    • Hike to the top of Mount Úlfarsfell, a small mountain on the outskirts of Reykjavik.
    • Enjoy sweeping views of Reykjavik and the surrounding natural beauty.
    • Hear commentary that describes the sights below during stops to rest.


    • Dress in weather-appropriate clothing.
    • Wear flat comfortable walking shoes.

    • Adult from: C352.96 CAD
    • Child from: C257.56 CAD
    DURÉE 3 h 1/2
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    Jewish Life In The Land Of Fire And Ice

    Reykjavik, Islande

    Durée : 3 h

    Explore the capital city of Iceland with a focus on the small community of Jews that live in Reykjavik. ...
    Explore the capital city of Iceland with a focus on the small community of Jews that live in Reykjavik. plus...


    Explore the capital city of Iceland with a focus on the small community of Jews that live in Reykjavik. A panoramic drive through downtown will provide an intriguing introduction to the Icelandic culture and a walking tour afterwards will add texture to your understanding of the city, the country’s largest. Despite the size of Reykjavik, there are only a few hundred people in the Jewish community. The first Jews were likely traders that arrived in the 1600s, but they didn’t permanently settle in Iceland until centuries later. It wasn’t until 2021 that Judaism was even officially registered as a religion in Iceland. While visiting the Jewish Center of Iceland, you will learn much more about the history of Judaism in Reykjavik, the difficulties that Jews have faced over the years and how life has changed for the positive. The rabbi will be happy to answer any questions that you may have.


    • Settle in for a panoramic drive through Reykjavik, followed by an enlightening walk downtown.
    • Learn about the history of Judaism in Iceland and the country’s small population of Jews.
    • Meet a rabbi at the Jewish Center of Iceland and enjoy a frank discussion of Jewish life.


    • Dress in weather-appropriate clothing.
    • Wear flat comfortable walking shoes.

    • Adult from: C489.23 CAD
    • Child from: C448.35 CAD
    DURÉE 3 h
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    Tomatoes Horticulture Innovations & Horse Show

    Reykjavik, Islande

    Durée : 10 h 1/2

    Drop by a family-owned farm that grows tomatoes year-round and breeds horses, an unusual enterprise that makes for a fascinating experience. ...
    Drop by a family-owned farm that grows tomatoes year-round and breeds horses, an unusual enterprise that makes for a fascinating experience. plus...


    Drop by a family-owned farm that grows tomatoes year-round and breeds horses, an unusual enterprise that makes for a fascinating experience. To reach the farm, you will drive along the Golden Circle, one of Iceland’s most spectacularly scenic roads. You will see more natural wonders at Geysir, a geothermal area with dozens of hot springs and geysers, and at Gullfoss, a glacially fed roaring waterfall. Both demonstrate the sheer power of nature. Farther inland, you will find Fridheimar, a farm that uses artificial lighting to grow organic tomatoes in greenhouses. The tomato varieties range from heirlooms to sweet gourmet piccolos, whose seeds are imported from Provence. The tomatoes are exceptionally tasty as you will discover while enjoying a tomato-based lunch in one of the greenhouses. Later, you will watch sure-footed Icelandic horses display their five gaits. These unique smallish horses are descended from ones brought to Iceland more than a millennium ago.


    • Visit a thriving family-owned farm that grows tomatoes year-round and breeds Icelandic horses.
    • Enjoy an organic tomato-based lunch in one of the farm’s greenhouses.
    • Watch Icelandic horses demonstrate their unique ability to travel at five different gaits.
    • Observe the hot springs and spewing geysers at the geothermal area Geysir.
    • Feel the sheer power of the glacial-fed waterfall Gullfoss while admiring its grandeur.


    • Dress in weather-appropriate clothing.
    • Wear flat comfortable walking shoes.

    • Adult from: C543.75 CAD
    • Child from: C489.23 CAD
    DURÉE 10 h 1/2
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    Lava Field Hike

    Reykjavik, Islande

    Durée : 4 h

    Hike through the hardened Búrfellsgjá lava channel that formed in the wake of a volcanic eruption 8,000 years ago and behold the geothermal activity that continues today. ...
    Hike through the hardened Búrfellsgjá lava channel that formed in the wake of a volcanic eruption 8,000 years ago and behold the geothermal activity that continues today. plus...


    Hike through the hardened Búrfellsgjá lava channel that formed in the wake of a volcanic eruption 8,000 years ago and behold the geothermal activity that continues today. The eruption left fissures in the earth and a gaping volcanic crater, which you will reach by following a moderately challenging trail to the summit. From there, you will gaze out over the ancient lava field, which the guide will describe in fascinating detail. In time, you will drive on to view Kleifarvatn, the peninsula’s largest and deepest lake, even though the water level fluctuates as much as 13 feet. Locals claim to have spotted a Loch Ness monster-like serpent there. Another photo stop will be made at the active geothermal springs at Krysuvik and Seltún, a cauldron of boiling mud pools and hissing steam vents. It will be quite the sight as mineral deposits have colored the surrounding terrain shades of red, green and yellow.


    • Walk across an ancient lava channel left behind after a volcanic eruption millennia ago.
    • Hike to the summit of the volcano’s crater for a panoramic view of the lava field.
    • See an isolated deep lake where a serpent-like monster is said to live.
    • View boiling mud pools and steam rising from vents in the earth’s surface.
    • Learn about the area’s volcanic and geothermal activities and how they are connected.


    • Dress in weather-appropriate clothing.
    • Wear flat comfortable walking shoes.

    • Adult from: C352.96 CAD
    • Child from: C243.94 CAD
    DURÉE 4 h
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    Go Green- Pure Electricity & Natural Resources

    Reykjavik, Islande

    Durée : 4 h 1/2

    Gain insight into how the Hellisheiði power plant creates sustainable energies and how Iceland’s unusual geology affects the climate. The power plant produces almost all of Reykjavik’s energy by harnessing the geothermal heat that lies beneath the earth’s surface. But that’s just for starters. The plant also takes advantage of an innovative process known as carbon fixation to store waste CO2 underground, and through electrolysis it produces hydrogen, another green fuel. ...
    Gain insight into how the Hellisheiði power plant creates sustainable energies and how Iceland’s unusual geology affects the climate. The power plant produces almost all of Reykjavik’s energy by harnessing the geothermal heat that lies beneath the earth’s surface. But that’s just for starters. The plant also takes advantage of an innovative process known as carbon fixation to store waste CO2 underground, and through electrolysis it produces hydrogen, another green fuel. plus...

    Gain insight into how the Hellisheiði power plant creates sustainable energies and how Iceland’s unusual geology affects the climate. The power plant produces almost all of Reykjavik’s energy by harnessing the geothermal heat that lies beneath the earth’s surface. But that’s just for starters. The plant also takes advantage of an innovative process known as carbon fixation to store waste CO2 underground, and through electrolysis it produces hydrogen, another green fuel. The plant has even been instrumental in creating Iceland’s infrastructure for electric vehicles. The exhibits within the power plant clearly explain all the systems, just as the Wonders of Iceland museum at Perlan describes the country’s geological phenomena. While browsing its exhibits, you will learn about volcanoes, plate tectonics, earthquakes and geothermal power. The museum’s ice cave and glacier displays are particularly insightful, as they show what would happen if Iceland’s ancient glaciers melted due to climate change.


    • Explore an innovative power plant that supports numerous green technologies.
    • Learn how waste CO2 can be safely stored underground for millions of years.
    • Browse the Wonders of Iceland museum for an understanding of the country’s geology.
    • View exhibits that present the effects of climate change, now and in the future.


    • Dress in weather-appropriate clothing.
    • Wear flat comfortable walking shoes.

    • Adult from: C271.19 CAD
    • Child from: C271.19 CAD
    DURÉE 4 h 1/2
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    Go Green- Go Green on the Golden Cricle

    Reykjavik, Islande

    Durée : 9 h

    Discover how renewable energies are harnessed along the Golden Circle, one of the most extraordinarily scenic roads in Iceland. At the massive Hellisheiði power plant, you will see how volcanic geothermal energy is used to supply all but a fraction of Reykjavik’s power. ...
    Discover how renewable energies are harnessed along the Golden Circle, one of the most extraordinarily scenic roads in Iceland. At the massive Hellisheiði power plant, you will see how volcanic geothermal energy is used to supply all but a fraction of Reykjavik’s power. plus...

    Discover how renewable energies are harnessed along the Golden Circle, one of the most extraordinarily scenic roads in Iceland. At the massive Hellisheiði power plant, you will see how volcanic geothermal energy is used to supply all but a fraction of Reykjavik’s power. You will also gain an understanding of how waste CO2 from the steam is stored underground to prevent it from escaping back into the atmosphere. Following lunch you will continue for an enlightening tour of the Brúarvirkjun hydroelectric plant will reveal how it supplies sustainable energy by capturing the power of the Tungufljót River. A hydroelectric plant was proposed at the glorious Gullfoss waterfall, as well, until an environmentalist stepped in. You will be awed by its pristine natural beauty and that of the Pingvellir National Park. Still, Iceland is committed to alternative power sources, especially using geothermal energy to heat greenhouses. You will see the force of that power at Geysir, where columns of boiling water spew high into the air.


    • Drive along the Golden Circle, one of the most picturesque roads in all of Iceland.
    • View two power plants—one of them geothermal, the other hydroelectric.
    • Learn how waste CO2 can be safely stored underground for millions of years.
    • Watch columns of geothermally heated water spew into the air at Geysir.
    • Visit two pristine natural attractions—Gullfoss waterfall and Pingvellir National Park.


    • Dress in weather-appropriate clothing.
    • Wear flat comfortable walking shoes.

    • Adult from: C475.61 CAD
    • Child from: C475.61 CAD
    DURÉE 9 h
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    Panoramic Reykjavik & Perlan Museum - Ending At The Airport

    Reykjavik, Islande

    Durée : 3 h 1/2

    Discover how the forces of nature have shaped Iceland at an interactive museum and see some of the architectural treasures that define Reykjavik. ...
    Discover how the forces of nature have shaped Iceland at an interactive museum and see some of the architectural treasures that define Reykjavik. plus...

    Discover how the forces of nature have shaped Iceland at an interactive museum and see some of the architectural treasures that define Reykjavik. While browsing the cutting-edge Perlan Museum, you will learn about glaciers in the world’s first indoor ice cave, observe life at the largest seabird cliff in Europe through augmented reality and experience the full spectrum of the Northern Lights in the museum’s planetarium. Other exhibits describe the wonders of plate tectonics, volcanoes, earthquakes and geothermal power in fascinating detail. From the observation deck that encircles the museum’s futuristic-looking dome, you will enjoy a panoramic view of Reykjavik. As you drive through the engaging capital city, you will see many of those landmarks up close, including the majestic Hallgrimskirkja Church. Before heading for the airport, you also pause at Hofdi, a stately house visited by heads of state such as Ronald Reagan and Mikhail Gorbachev, who held a summit there in 1986.

    • Browse enlightening exhibits on Iceland’s natural history in the Perlan Museum.
    • Enjoy the ultimate view of Reykjavik from the museum’s 360º observation deck.
    • Settle in for a panoramic drive through Reykjavik and stop for photos along the way.
    • Arrive at the airport in plenty of time to catch your flight.

    • Dress in weather-appropriate clothing.
    • Wear flat comfortable walking shoes.

    • Adult from: C271.19 CAD
    • Child from: C203.05 CAD
    DURÉE 3 h 1/2
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    Geothermal Landscape & Viking History - Ending At The Airport

    Reykjavik, Islande

    Durée : 3 h 1/2

    View many of the geothermal wonders in the surrounding countryside and delve into Iceland’s distant past at a museum that celebrates the Vikings. On the outskirts of Reykjavik, ...
    View many of the geothermal wonders in the surrounding countryside and delve into Iceland’s distant past at a museum that celebrates the Vikings. On the outskirts of Reykjavik, plus...

    View many of the geothermal wonders in the surrounding countryside and delve into Iceland’s distant past at a museum that celebrates the Vikings. On the outskirts of Reykjavik, you will pass through Hafnarfjörður – a town situated on an ancient lava flow – and then pause at Kleifarvatn, a large deep lake with a hot spring that an earthquake created. Volcanic eruptions and violent seismic events have left their marks throughout the lava-covered Reykjanes Peninsula. In the multi-hued geothermal fields around Krysuvik, you will see columns of steam rising high into the air and boiling mud pools that reveal the constant activity beneath the earth’s surface. The nearby Viking World Museum will be just as eye-opening. The highlight is an exact replica of a famed Viking ship. The ship is seaworthy as it was sailed 4,200 nautical miles from Iceland to New York to commemorate Leif Erikson’s journey to the New World more than a thousand years ago.

    • Behold a striking landscape of geothermal activity in the surrounding countryside.
    • See steam vents, bubbling mud pools and a lake with an earthquake-induced hot spring.
    • View a seaworthy replica of an ancient ship in the Viking World Museum.
    • Arrive at the airport in plenty of time to catch your flight.

    • Dress in weather-appropriate clothing.
    • Wear flat comfortable walking shoes.

    • Adult from: C325.70 CAD
    • Child from: C243.94 CAD
    DURÉE 3 h 1/2
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    Let's Take A Selfie - Reykjavik

    Reykjavik, Islande

    Durée : 4 h 1/2

    Snap selfies at the most photogenic spots in and around Reykjavik, many of them iconic attractions that define the city. ...
    Snap selfies at the most photogenic spots in and around Reykjavik, many of them iconic attractions that define the city. plus...

    Snap selfies at the most photogenic spots in and around Reykjavik, many of them iconic attractions that define the city. To ensure the best possible results, a selfie expert guide will offer tips so you can capture just the right angle, lighting and composition for every shot. Selfie sticks are available and complemented by a convenient photo frame, enabling you to capture, share, and post the best pictures in the future.

    As you walk and ride through Reykjavik, you will pause at designated selfie stops that include:
    • Höfdi House
    • Sun Voyager sculpture
    • Harpa Concert Hall
    • Tjörnin Lake
    • Rainbow Street
    • Hallgrimskirkja Church


    • Take inspiring selfies at the most photogenic attractions in Reykjavik.
    • Follow tips from your selfie expert guide to ensure the very best pictures.
    • Learn the historical significance of the locales while enjoying their dramatic settings.
    • Pose at Höfdi House, where a summit was held that helped end the Cold War.
    • Stand before the gleaming steel Sun Voyager sculpture at the harbor.
    • Walk along Rainbow Street, a vibrantly colored pedestrianized road lined with shops.


    • Wear casual, weather-appropriate clothing and comfortable walking shoes.
    • Bring a hat, sunglasses and sunscreen.
    • Be sure your phone or camera is fully charged.

    • Adult from: C203.05 CAD
    • Child from: C189.43 CAD
    DURÉE 4 h 1/2
1-12 sur 21 Suivant

*Les prix varient selon le navire et les dates de croisière. Voir les Conditions générales

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