Details zum Landausflug

Nora - A Walk Through Ancient Times

Cagliari, Sardinien

Nora - A Walk Through Ancient Times


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    Stunden Geschätzte Dauer

A visit to the ancient city of Nora is a must for those who want to learn about the island’s centuries of occupation, admire Roman and Phoenician remains and the sparkling blue Mediterranean under the watchful eye of the 400 year old Spanish watchtower. Enjoy an orientation drive through Cagliari with a photo stop at Monte Urpino’s panoramic lookout point. Drive along the coast passing St. Gilla's lagoon, where if you’re lucky, you’ll see the pink flamingos and the salt flats. This pleasant drive follows the route taken by thousands of pilgrims every year as they follow Santo Efiso’s Cart.

Nora was founded by the Phoenicians. It had two harbors, one sheltered from the west winds and the other from the Mistral. The site has Carthaginian and Roman remains. After a period of Roman prosperity, there was a decline and in the 3rd Century AD the city was engulfed by the sea in a natural disaster. Admire the beautiful mosaics of the thermal baths, an amphitheater and small Roman Theater, as well as small houses and villas. Recently the forum, or agora, has been found, but a substantial part of the former town remains under the sea. It isn't hard to imagine ancient people living their lives so close to the blue waters of the Mediterranean. You’ll also see the outside of the little church where, every year, during the first days in May, important religious celebrations take place to commemorate St. Efisio. The church was built on the same site where the saint was martyred.

Need to Know:

Note: Tour involves walking approximately 1 mile/1 1/2 kilometers over uneven and rough terrain at the Nora site. Comfortable walking shoes are suggested. This tour is not recommended for guests with walking difficulties or that are in wheelchairs.

Das sind die



Historische Monumente


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Tours with this activity level involve a considerable amount of physical activity such as substantial walking over cobblestone streets, uneven or steep terrain, climbing stairs, or extended periods of standing. Not recommended for guests with physical limitations. Comfortable, sturdy shoes are recommended.
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