Details zum Landausflug

Walking In Forillon National Park

Gaspésie, Québec

Walking In Forillon National Park


  • 41/2
    Stunden Geschätzte Dauer

On this easy and informative walking tour you’ll learn about Gaspesie's unforgotten past and fishing families' way of life. The trail called Une Tournee dans les Parages (a walk around the area) starts near the fishing harbor, at the Grande-Grave heritage site, where the Hyman & Sons store, the warehouse and the Blanchette house reveal an unforgotten past and attests to the way of life of fishing families, and takes you back through fields and woods to a number of old houses and barns. Outdoor exhibits along the way recount the history of Grande-Grave. The bracing sea air and Forillon’s magnificent panoramas are sure to make your walk all the more pleasant.

Need to Know:

Note: Walking is on uneven ground, on a 1.5 mile (2.4 Km) fairly flat walking trail. We recommend that you wear sturdy shoes or hiking boots (no sandals) and appropriate outdoor clothing. Rain gear is suggested.

Das sind die



Historische Monumente


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Tours with this activity level involve a considerable amount of physical activity such as substantial walking over cobblestone streets, uneven or steep terrain, climbing stairs, or extended periods of standing. Not recommended for guests with physical limitations. Comfortable, sturdy shoes are recommended.
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