Details zum Landausflug

Lisbon Attraction Pass

Lissabon, Portugal

Lisbon Attraction Pass


  • 6
    Stunden Geschätzte Dauer

Use your Attraction Pass to explore the top destinations in Lisbon without the hassle of arranging transportation, waiting in lines or having to pay the entrance fees. It’s the best way to maximize your time in Lisbon and get a genuine feel for the city’s history and culture. The options include the richly ornamented Jeronimo’s Monastery, the Belém Tower from which so many Portuguese explorers set sail. Learn all about the history of craft-making of decorative ceramic tiles in the National Tile Museum, then our next stop will be at the National Museum of Ancient Art, we will go ahead to enjoy Rua Augusta Arch. You will be marveled by the History at Pasteis de Belem where you will have a tasting of a traditional Portuguese tart.

• Use the Attraction Pass to see Lisbon’s best attractions at no additional cost.
• Ride a bus around town, stopping at the attractions most appealing.
• Enjoy at Pasteis de Belem the most wonderful traditional Portuguese tart.
• Port Pick up and drop off.
• Our team will provide all the relevant information to the guests during the tour.

Need to Know:

Note: As the HOHO buses are shared with non-cruise tourists; Guests can expect long lines and wait times between buses. Walking on this tour is at the guests’ discretion during any stops they choose to get off the bus. It is not recommended for guests who utilize a wheelchair. Those guests with mobility concerns are cautioned to evaluate their personal level of ability and stamina.

Das sind die



Landschafts- und Städtetouren


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  • 3
Tours with this activity level involve a considerable amount of physical activity such as substantial walking over cobblestone streets, uneven or steep terrain, climbing stairs, or extended periods of standing. Not recommended for guests with physical limitations. Comfortable, sturdy shoes are recommended.
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