Details zum Landausflug

Racing Legend Ferrari

Venedig (Ravenna), Italien

Racing Legend Ferrari


  • 6
    Stunden Geschätzte Dauer
  • Familienfreundlich
  • Barrierefreiheit
  • Eingeschränkte Zugänglichkeit

Marvel at the legendary racecars and racing memorabilia in the Ferrari Museum, an irresistible attractions for auto enthusiasts who love these almost mythical racing machines.

Depart from the pier and drive inland to Maranello, home of the legendary Ferrari Museum, also known as the Galleria Ferrari. It houses the world’s largest collection of iconic Ferraris, all of which were manufactured in the factory next door over the last six decades. Many of the cars on exhibit made racing history, including the single-seater that earned Ferrari its first world championship in 1951.

The museum is divided into theme areas such as Competition, Prototypes, and the GT world. Every imaginable classic red Ferrari is here, although the exhibits change frequently. You may see an F1-89 with controls on the wheel, the Ferrari 250 GT driven by Stirling Moss in the Tourist Trophy, and a GTB4 Competizione, which was highly successful both on the racetrack and commercially.

But Ferraris aren’t the only items on display. There’s also a mock-up of founder Enzo Ferrari’s first office, where the Prancing Horse legend began in 1929. You may see racing suits and helmets, Formula One trophies and engines, wind tunnels, pit walls, and even a sound box, where you can hear the roar of racecars on the track. The entire history of Ferrari is presented, and you can immerse yourself in it during both your guided tour and later during free time. Afterwards, you’ll rejoin your coach and transfer back to the pier.

Need to Know:


Das sind die



Landschafts- und Städtetouren
Historische Monumente


  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
Tours with this activity level involve walking over relatively level terrain, possibly some cobblestone, gravel, or a few steps. Comfortable shoes are recommended.
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