
Landausflüge (26)

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    Pompeji auf eigene Faust

    Neapel, Italien

    Dauer 4 Stunden

    Discover Pompeii freely with private pier transfer, guided tour, ample time, and return trip to Naples. ...
    Discover Pompeii freely with private pier transfer, guided tour, ample time, and return trip to Naples. mehr ...

    If you would like to explore archaeological site of Pompeii on your own, this private motor coach transfer is ideal.

    Boarding your coach at the pier, you’ll head to Pompeii and be dropped off in a central location. A tour escort will be traveling with you to and from the ship and will answer any questions you may have about sightseeing or shopping.

    After your allotted time in Pompeii, you’ll rejoin your motor coach for the return to Naples.

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    • Erwachsene ab: 46,09 EUR
    • Kinder ab: 46,09 EUR
    DAUER 4 Stunden
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    Pompeji und das bezaubernde Sorrent

    Neapel, Italien

    Dauer 8 Stunden

    Enjoy a leisurely drive to Sorrento and explore a woodworking studio. Visit Pompeii, tour ruins, witness ancient life and discover artifacts. ...
    Enjoy a leisurely drive to Sorrento and explore a woodworking studio. Visit Pompeii, tour ruins, witness ancient life and discover artifacts. mehr ...

    After departing from the pier, you will enjoy a leisurely drive along the Bay of Naples and on to Sorrento, a city of Renaissance palazzi and charming pedestrian lanes. A meandering walk will take you to a woodworking studio, where craftsmen will likely demonstrate the art of intarsia or wood inlay, which has long been associated with Sorrento. Free time follows, during which you might browse the museums and boutiques. Ceramic tableware, casual fashions and intarsia jewelry boxes are among the most popular items.

    Then, it’s on to Pompeii, a Roman town forever known for the catastrophic eruption of Mount Vesuvius that buried it under ash and pumice in 79 A.D. After free time to explore on your own and perhaps watch artisans create cameos, you will tour the ruins. The excavations have unearthed a snapshot of life here nearly 2,000 year ago. Buildings are largely intact, frescoes adorn the villas and everyday objects are scattered about, just as they were when the volcano erupted. Expect to see ancient baths, temples and residences with intricate mosaic floors. It’s an eye-opening look into ancient life, one you will remember long after returning to Naples.

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    • Erwachsene ab: 183,44 EUR
    • Kinder ab: 155,79 EUR
    DAUER 8 Stunden
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    Neapel, Italien

    Dauer 4 Stunden

    Explore Pompeii's preserved civilization under Vesuvius. Visit Agora, see mosaic floors and frescoes with an optional cameo factory visit. ...
    Explore Pompeii's preserved civilization under Vesuvius. Visit Agora, see mosaic floors and frescoes with an optional cameo factory visit. mehr ...

    Pompeii once supported a flourishing civilization that was revealed nearly intact after being buried for about 1,700 years. The once prosperous commercial and political center with a population of 25,000 was hidden under 20 feet of volcanic ash and cinders during the fateful eruption of Mt. Vesuvius in 79 A.D. Originally a seaport, the eruption raised the land and left the ruined town far from the bay. You’ll enter Pompeii through the Sea Gate and walk along the cobblestone streets to the Agora. Surrounded by temples and porticoes, this was the religious, civic and business center of the city.

    Because Pompeii was so well preserved, you can see many fine details that reveal the lifestyles of the residents, such as mosaic floors and colorful frescoes in some of the homes. As you wander through this ancient city, you can’t help but notice the still active Mount Vesuvius towering above. If time permits, you’ll visit a cameo factory nearby to see how the famous jewelry is made and then have some time to browse the store.

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    • Erwachsene ab: 155,79 EUR
    • Kinder ab: 109,70 EUR
    DAUER 4 Stunden
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    Capri, Sorrent und Pompeji

    Neapel, Italien

    Dauer 10 Stunden

    Embark on a scenic tour that includes Pompeii, Capri, and Sorrento. Experience a boat ride, the piazzetta, Pompeii's ruins, and visit a cameo factory. ...
    Embark on a scenic tour that includes Pompeii, Capri, and Sorrento. Experience a boat ride, the piazzetta, Pompeii's ruins, and visit a cameo factory. mehr ...

    A very fast paced, but rewarding day awaits you. This ultimate scenic tour includes the most spectacular sites along the Campanian coast, including Pompeii, possibly the most famous excavation in the world. Start with a fast boat ride to Marina Grande in Capri, a port lined with colorful old fishermen’s houses. A funicular will take you up to a terrace with a marvelous scenic overlook of the small island, the coast and the sparkling sea. Walk to the piazzetta, the heart of Capri’s shopping and nightlife area. Explore the narrow streets, take in the magnificent views, or relax at an outdoor cafe. You’ll then continue to Sorrento by jet-foil where lunch awaits.

    After lunch, you’ll have some time to wander the flower filled streets or admire the high quality handicrafts for which Sorrento is famous. Head to Pompeii where you’ll enter by the sea gate and visit the city’s baths, villas, theaters and wrestling grounds. Because Pompeii is so well preserved, you can see many fine details that reveal the lifestyles of the residents, such as mosaic floors and colorful frescoes in some of the homes. Time permitting, visit a cameo factory near Pompeii and browse handmade jewelry.

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    • Erwachsene ab: 349,37 EUR
    • Kinder ab: 257,19 EUR
    DAUER 10 Stunden
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    Sorrent und Amalfi zu Land und zu Wasser

    Neapel, Italien

    Dauer 9 1/2 Stunden

    Explore Sorrento and enjoy lunch with wine before proceeding to Amalfi to learn its history. Cruise to scenic Salerno and marvel at Dolomitic cliffs. ...
    Explore Sorrento and enjoy lunch with wine before proceeding to Amalfi to learn its history. Cruise to scenic Salerno and marvel at Dolomitic cliffs. mehr ...

    With its lush vegetation and sun drenched climate, Sorrento was a favorite resort of wealthy Romans. Experience this cliff-top setting and a charming, flower filled town and enjoy lunch with wine here before continuing to Salerno and the towards to the charming village of Amalfi. Amalfi is situated at the mouth of a deep gorge along the coast. Learn how this charming town was a major shipping port during the Middle Ages and an independent maritime state. Enjoy some free time in lovely Amalfi for shopping or relaxing before cruising to Salerno viewing the Dolomitic cliffs, which have been sculpted by nature. Your coach will be waiting in Salerno for the drive back.

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    • Erwachsene ab: 257,19 EUR
    • Kinder ab: 211,10 EUR
    DAUER 9 1/2 Stunden
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    Aromen von Sorrent und Pompeji

    Neapel, Italien

    Dauer 8 Stunden

    Explore Pompeii's ruins and Sorrento's flavors. Visit a cameo factory, enjoy Sorrento's views, enjoy a farm tour with homemade products. ...
    Explore Pompeii's ruins and Sorrento's flavors. Visit a cameo factory, enjoy Sorrento's views, enjoy a farm tour with homemade products. mehr ...


    Savor a traditional lunch and a taste of Limoncello in Sorrento before meandering through the ruins of Pompeii. A step-by-step demonstration of Limoncello-making will serve as an introduction to Sorrentine gastronomy and sampling a glass of this sweet, intensely lemon-flavored liqueur will enhance that knowledge. Dining at a popular restaurant in Sorrento will add another dimension to your understanding of the local specialties as the meal will feature dishes that are synonymous with Sorrento. Chicken breasts topped with eggplant, prosciutto and fontina cheese are often on the menu. Following free time in Pompeii, you will watch the ancient art of cameo engraving. The catastrophic eruption of Mount Vesuvius in 79 A.D. buried Pompeii under ash and pumice, which helped preserve it. Excavations have unearthed buildings largely intact with frescoes adorning the walls and everyday objects scattered about, just as they were when the volcano erupted. It will be an eye-opening look into ancient life.


    • Watch Limoncello being made and sample a glass of this sweet, lemon-flavored liqueur.
    • Enjoy a traditional lunch of classic Sorrentine dishes in a restaurant in Sorrento.
    • Observe master carvers engraving cameos in Pompeii.
    • Browse the excavated ruins of Pompeii, many of which are surprisingly intact.


    • Dress in weather-appropriate clothing.
    • Wear flat comfortable walking shoes.

    weniger Info
    • Erwachsene ab: 257,19 EUR
    • Kinder ab: 192,66 EUR
    DAUER 8 Stunden
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    Sorrent auf eigene Faust und Neapel mit Pizza

    Neapel, Italien

    Dauer 7 1/2 Stunden

    Enjoy a panoramic drive to Sorrento to explore and a have pizza lunch. Return to Naples via coastal views, landmark drive and Posillipo Hill panorama. ...
    Enjoy a panoramic drive to Sorrento to explore and a have pizza lunch. Return to Naples via coastal views, landmark drive and Posillipo Hill panorama. mehr ...

    Your tour starts with a panoramic drive from Naples along the winding coast taking you to the quaint city of Sorrento. Upon arrival, your guide will introduce you to this lovely city and give you free time so that you can explore on your own. After a pizza lunch, you’ll return to Naples, enjoying more beautiful views of the coast and an orientation drive around the city.

    You'll see the round-towered Castel Nuovo, San Carlo Opera House, Umberto Gallery, the Royal Palace and San Francesco di Paola Church. Capture a panoramic view of the city and the Bay of Naples from the vantage point of Posillipo Hill before returning to your ship.

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    • Erwachsene ab: 137,35 EUR
    • Kinder ab: 128,13 EUR
    DAUER 7 1/2 Stunden
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    Amalfiküste und Pompeji

    Neapel, Italien

    Dauer 9 Stunden

    Marvel at Amalfi Coast views and explore Pompeii ruins' history. Tour baths, villas, theaters, see mosaics, plaster casts and visit a cameo factory. ...
    Marvel at Amalfi Coast views and explore Pompeii ruins' history. Tour baths, villas, theaters, see mosaics, plaster casts and visit a cameo factory. mehr ...

    Take in spectacular views of the Amalfi Coast and discover the history of the infamous Pompeii ruins - both are UNESCO World Heritage Sites. Upon arrival in Pompeii, you’ll visit this Roman resort buried by volcanic ash. Your tour will take you to the city’s baths, villas and theaters. Because Pompeii is so well preserved, you can see many fine details that reveal the lifestyles of the residents, such as mosaic floors and colorful frescoes in some of the homes. Plaster casts mark the positions of the fallen that were swiftly overcome by the ashes. After lunch, if time permits, you’ll visit a cameo factory to see how the jewelry is made.

    On your drive along the famed Amalfi Coast, you’ll enjoy breathtaking views of sparkling blue sea, citrus orchards, olive groves and little villages nestled along secluded bays and terraced into hillsides. A stop will be made at one of the picturesque villages so that you can explore its quaint streets.

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    • Erwachsene ab: 247,97 EUR
    • Kinder ab: 211,10 EUR
    DAUER 9 Stunden
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    Panorama von Neapel

    Neapel, Italien

    Dauer 3 1/2 Stunden

    Discover Naples' iconic landmarks, sweeping bay views, and Mount Vesuvius. Drive through vibrant metropolis, historic sites and panoramic vistas. ...
    Discover Naples' iconic landmarks, sweeping bay views, and Mount Vesuvius. Drive through vibrant metropolis, historic sites and panoramic vistas. mehr ...

    Behold some of the most iconic landmarks in Naples and admire sweeping views of the bay and ever-looming Mount Vesuvius on this enlightening driving tour around the city.

    After departing from the pier, you will soon arrive in the heart of Naples for a meandering drive through the vibrant metropolis, the third most-populated in Italy. You can almost feel the energy as you watch countless mopeds zipping through the urban sprawl and throngs of Neapolitans going about their daily lives. It’s this irrepressible energy and spectacular backdrop of architectural gems and panoramic views that give Naples its charm.

    From the comfort of your seat, you will pass landmarks such as the lavish Royal Palace, one of four residences used by the Bourbon Kings who ruled in the 18th and 19th centuries. Nearby stands the San Carlo Theater, an ornate world-class opera house that has become a revered symbol of Naples.

    Depending on the route, you may also see the glorious Naples Cathedral and the National Archaeological Museum, which holds one of the world’s finest collections of Greek and Roman antiquities. Many of the objects were unearthed during excavations of Pompeii after it was buried in ash and pumice following the eruption of Mount Vesuvius in 79 A.D.

    Later, from atop Posillipo Hill, you will enjoy a magnificent view the still-active volcano, Naples and its crescent-shaped bay. You will also have the chance to look about on your own during free time downtown before returning to the pier.

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    • Erwachsene ab: 91,26 EUR
    • Kinder ab: 63,61 EUR
    DAUER 3 1/2 Stunden
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    Entspannter Aufenthalt in Sorrent

    Neapel, Italien

    Dauer 5 Stunden

    Indulge in Sorrento's charm with a panoramic drive from Naples and enjoy 1.5 hours of free time to explore the beautiful coast. ...
    Indulge in Sorrento's charm with a panoramic drive from Naples and enjoy 1.5 hours of free time to explore the beautiful coast. mehr ...

    Get away from the hustle and bustle of Naples and enjoy the quaint atmosphere of Sorrento. Start with a panoramic drive from Naples along the beautiful coast. Upon arrival in Sorrento, your guide will introduce you to this lovely city and give you a drink coupon which can be used for a complimentary soft drink or ice-cream during your free time. Get to know the city better, shop or do as you please. You'll have approximately 1 1/2 hours, depending upon traffic conditions. You’ll meet your guide at the designated place and time for the return drive to Naples with more beautiful views of the coast.

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    • Erwachsene ab: 118,92 EUR
    • Kinder ab: 100,48 EUR
    DAUER 5 Stunden
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    Das Beste von Neapel – Pompeiji, Archäologisches Museum und Pizza

    Neapel, Italien

    Dauer 8 Stunden

    Discover Pompeii, Naples landmarks and original pizza. Visit cameo factory, National Archaeological Museum, showcasing Farnese Bull & Roman sculptures. ...
    Discover Pompeii, Naples landmarks and original pizza. Visit cameo factory, National Archaeological Museum, showcasing Farnese Bull & Roman sculptures. mehr ...

    Discover the missing pieces of the puzzle when you visit Pompeii’s ruins, learn of its history and see the treasures housed at the archeological museum. Experience the "original pizza" in the city that boasts the world's first pizzeria, dating back to 1830, and see the sites of Naples. Travel along the coast with magnificent views of the Bay of Naples and Mt. Vesuvius as a backdrop. This still active volcano buried Pompeii in 79 A.D. At the ruins of Pompeii, you'll discover the archeological excavations of a lost city buried deep beneath the ash from Mt. Vesuvius. Your walking tour takes in the city's baths, villas, theaters and wrestling grounds.

    Your guide will point out the remarkably preserved remains that hint at daily Roman life and will tell you about their customs and culture. Highlights include stunning frescoes and elaborately detailed mosaic-inlaid floors of wealthy homeowners' villas. On the way back to Naples, you’ll stop at a cameo factory where artisans have honed their craft for generations. You'll have some time to shop intricately carved brooches, rings and bracelets. Sit back and enjoy classic Pizza Margherita at a typical Neapolitan pizzeria accompanied by a mixed green salad and beverage.

    Before heading to your next stop, take a sightseeing loop around the city for a quick orientation, driving past the round towered Castel Nuovo, San Carlo Opera House, Umberto Gallery, the Royal Palace and San Francesco di Paola Church. You’ll visit The National Archaeological Museum highlights include the Farnese Bull and a classical Roman sculpture depicting figures from Greek mythology. The museum houses a collection of murals, frescoes and mosaics from Pompeii and Herculaneum.

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    • Erwachsene ab: 238,75 EUR
    • Kinder ab: 192,66 EUR
    DAUER 8 Stunden
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    Capri - Isle Of Romance

    Neapel, Italien

    Dauer 8 1/2 bis 9 1/2 Stunden

    Explore Capri's allure: Visit Villa San Michele and savor scenic Anacapri views. Enjoy lunch in town, stroll piazzetta,and Augustus Gardens. ...
    Explore Capri's allure: Visit Villa San Michele and savor scenic Anacapri views. Enjoy lunch in town, stroll piazzetta,and Augustus Gardens. mehr ...

    A fabled resort for pleasure seekers even in ancient Rome, Capri has earned a legendary reputation as the "Island of Love". A speedy ride across the Bay of Naples takes you to the Marina Grande Harbor on Capri. Here, a minibus will take you to Anacapri where you’ll enjoy the beautiful scenic views. Visit Villa San Michele, and then have some free time before you continue to the town of Capri for lunch. Enjoy a stroll to the piazzetta, along old cobblestone streets and to the Augustus Gardens. From here, you’ll enjoy stunning panoramic views and have time to look around on your own before taking the minibus down for the return ride to Naples.

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    • Erwachsene ab: 257,19 EUR
    • Kinder ab: 211,10 EUR
    DAUER 8 1/2 bis 9 1/2 Stunden
1-12 von 26 Weiter

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Unsere Landausflüge werden generell in englischer Sprache als Gruppenprogramm durchgeführt. Verschiedene Ausflüge werden je nach Buchungslage auch in Deutsch, Spanisch, Französisch, Italienisch oder Russisch durchgeführt (ab 30 Personen Mindestteilnehmerzahl). Die angebotenen Touren variieren von Kreuzfahrt zu Kreuzfahrt. Bitte beachten Sie die Detailinformationen in Ihrem Ausflugsprogrammangebot an Bord.