Shore Excursion Details

Pisa e spiaggia

Firenze/Pisa (Livorno), Italia

Pisa e spiaggia


  • 8
    ore Estimate Duration
  • Indicato per le famiglie

Admire Pisa’s famous Field of Miracles where you’ll have time to explore on your own and see the famous Leaning Tower of Pisa. In Pisa, you’ll have one hour at leisure to take in the sights or shop in the numerous small stores. You’ll then continue to the popular seaside resort area of Viareggio with free time for dining, shopping or enjoying the beach.

The seaside promenade is open to pedestrian traffic only and is lined with elegant shops offering the latest fashions, small boutiques and cafes. Enjoy lunch on your own at one of the resorts, cafes, or restaurants known for fresh seafood. You’ll be taken to a famous beach, where your stay includes use of the changing rooms, the beach, swimming pool, use of a complimentary sun bed and beach umbrella. Umbrellas may be shared among two guests.

Need to Know:

Note: Walking in Pisa and Viareggio is at the guest's discretion and over uneven and cobblestone surfaces with steps. Tour doesn't include lunch or entrance fees. Escort is on the coach to/from Livorno to answer questions. Hats, sunglasses, sunscreen, swimwear and a towel should be brought with you. The return drive from Viareggio is approximately 45 minutes. Guests who go ashore do so with the understanding that they will be mixing with members of the general public.

Dai uno sguardo a


Excursion Type:


Activity Level:

Titolo immagine
  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
I tour con questo livello di attività richiedono un considerevole sforzo fisico come camminare a lungo su strade di ciottoli, terreno irregolare o ripido, salire le scale o stare in piedi per periodi prolungati. Non raccomandati per ospiti con limitazioni fisiche. Si raccomandano scarpe comode e robuste.
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